
#5 Mental Health, Anxieties & Asking For Help With Sarah Marandi-Steeves

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Sarah Marandi-Steeves is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a mental health therapist. She has always had a passion for the mental health field, as she grew up with a parent who suffered from mental illness. As such, mental health was always a big part of her life as well as the the emphasis on wellness and mental health treatment.

She was in therapy as a teen herself and realized just how powerful and important it was for her own growth and development, which is what led her to this career path!

She specializes in working with children, families, and young adults and supports individuals in working through difficulties which are impacting their daily functioning as well as helping them lead healthier and happier lifestyles.


  • Why mental health is so important for your overall health

  • How to overcome anxieties and live with ease

  • Her favorite self-care routine that makes all the difference in her life

  • Why she still goes to therapy herself and you should, too!

  • Seeing asking for help as something supportive and positive that can bring you closer to your goals

And so much more!


The Universe Has Your Back - Gabrielle Bernstein
My FREE Meditation
The Glow Camp Retreat in Bali


Thank you so much for listening to this episode! I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below! If you can think of anyone in your life who could benefit from this episode, please share it with them right now! <3


All material in this episode is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this podcast episode. Instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.

The information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, based on the best judgement available to the speakers, and readers and listeners who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. In addition, the information and opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of every contributor. The Company acknowledges occasional differences in opinion and welcomes the exchange of different viewpoints.