
#127 Confidence, Emotions, and Courage with Natalie Dumond

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Being vulnerable isn't easy. Showing your emotions isn't easy. Being courageous isn't easy. And being confident - not easy at all!

In this episode, I am talking to the powerhouse Certified Leadership Coach, Facilitator and Founder of The Worthy Project, Natalie Dumond, who empowers women to become more authentic, confident, and courageous in their lives and lead the lives with purpose they've always wanted.

Natalie's work got published with Dr. Brene Brown, and she trained with her personally.


  • How to be confident and get the best job in the world

  • Why we should talk to instead of about each other and cultivate more empathy

  • How to be vulnerable and emotionally intelligent

  • How to have more courageous conversations

  • Why we judge other people - and hurt ourselves instead

And so much more! 

You can find the full show notes here:

Have you downloaded the free Perfectionist Self-Care Bundle yet? Click here to access it:


Alexi Panos on Instagram
Vanessa McDonald on Instagram and CourageCreator.com
The Untethered Soul - by Michael A. Singer
Untamed - by Glennon Doyle
Sign up for the 2021 New Year's Vision Mini Retreat here




Martina: This is episode number 127 with Natalie demand Welcome to the glow life podcast. The one and only place for ambitious, high achieving and perfectionist women like you who want to leave overwhelm behind. Turn self doubt into self confidence and learn to trust yourself again, so that you can work less fully love and accept yourself and live a fulfilled and glowing life.

Every week, I'll be giving you tips and inspiration on how to think less, feel more slow down and use your body and your daily habits to help you step up, level up and glow up in all areas of your life. This is not just about the big shifts, you can glow just a little more every single day.

Welcome to the global life podcast. My name is Martina Fink and today we're talking all things vulnerability, emotional intelligence and confidence. It's such a good episode. And I actually want to dive right into the glow tip before we get started with the conversation. And today what I want you to do today or this week is to look for the beauty in everything. Where can you see beauty? Is there a beautiful flower that you see? Is there snow outside that you see? Is there somebody beautiful smile that you get to experience? Is there a freshly Ireland t shirt whatever it is, focus on the beauty instead of on all the work that you should still get done or your to do list or checking Instagram or all of the things that we do to keep ourselves busy. shift your focus to something beautiful today.

And now I am so honored to introduce you to my beautiful friend, Natalie du monde who is a certified leadership coach facilitator and the founder of the worthy project. She empowers women to become more authentic, confident and courageous in their lives and lead the lives with purpose. They've always dreamed of her work God published with Dr. Bernie brown and Natalie also trained with her personally. In today's episode, we talk about how to be confident and get the best job in the world, aka what her and I are doing, why we should talk to each other instead of about each other and cultivate more empathy, how to be vulnerable and emotionally intelligent, how to have more courageous conversations, why we judge other people and how we hurt ourselves instead, and so much more. And you can find everything we talked about today in the show notes at martinafink.com/podcast/127.

Welcome, Natalie, I am so grateful to have you on the podcast today.

Natalie: Thank you for having me. I'm happy to be here.

Martina: So so many things that you're an expert on that I want to talk about with you today. Let's start with the worthy project. So that's all about connected to feeling worthy, I assume. Tell us everything about how you got to this point of creating this project. Awesome.

Natalie: Thank you. Yes. So the worthy project was an idea that came to me. In my first year of my business. As I was going around talking to different organizations and doing facilitation work, or I was coaching people or doing a speaking engagement. There was usually people waiting afterwards to talk about certain topics, how do I get more confidence? Or how do I set clear boundaries? Or how do I find my voice? And they were, you know, our purpose? What's my purpose? And how do I find fulfillment? So I was always staying back to answer these questions. And I just kind of noticed there was a, a need in the market for women to feel like they are enough that they're worthy enough, especially in their 20s and early 30s. And so that is what built the program. And I was like if I could help these women understand how powerful how impactful they are, so that they can go on and live the most fulfilled life earlier or sooner rather than later. That was it. So the worthy project was born from that.

Martina: So beautiful. And when you filled in the form for this podcast interview so I can prepare for it. What you said is, I still have the best job in the world. Can you tell me more about what specifically that means and what exactly you do in your job.

Natalie: So yeah, I still feel really honored every single day that I get up to do this. So I coach people one on one on particular areas that they want to thrive in, that they feel stuck so one to one coaching and I also get to do great facilitation. So I go to organizations. And I work with a lot of leaders, a lot of brand new leaders, and I coach them on two areas that I'm really passionate about. One is hard conversations and feedback. So showing people how to talk to each other rather than about each other. And then the other one is I teach about trust and forgiveness, because trust is so dynamic and fluid in organizations, and it can really go off side quite easily. And a lot of people aren't feel equipped to repair it. So I go in and do those facilitations.

And then I also have the big one, which is dare to lead by Dr. Bernie Brown. And that's a three day workshop that I also teach. So in that when we're teaching about vulnerability, we're teaching about empathy, shame, connection, belonging, diversity, inclusion, we're teaching about some of these big topics. And every single time whether I'm doing the smaller workshops, or the bigger one or doing coaching one, I want to watch the impact and see people shift and get this like, you know, holy shit moment. It's just the best feeling, watching them kind of, it's almost like there's a release for them. And they feel more grounded in who they are. And, and it just, I don't know, it's addictive, and it is just, it's so impactful. So why wouldn't I want to do that every single day? So yeah, luckiest person. Yeah, yeah,

Martina: I agree with you. And I mean, we do similar work, like very different, but similar kind of work somehow. And yesterday, I was on a call with somebody that I was able to help get so much clarity about something that has been with her for, I think, like triggering her for the past week. And she couldn't figure out what it was or why she was feeling a certain way. And just seeing how the light bulb goes off is like such a special moment.

Natalie: Totally like yesterday, same thing, I was talking with a particular client that had gone through a lot of life events recently. And the topic of I kept hearing her say, I will never forgive, I will never forgive. And we talked about what the topic of forgiveness means. Because I think a lot of people get forgiveness wrong. They think forgiveness is condoning another person's behavior. rather than letting go of the hope that anything could have been different than what it was we live in a should have coulda, woulda, right. And what we're saying is what the person did to you is not okay, it was probably cowardly. And it was manipulative, or was all of those things. But sitting in the he should have or she, you know, could have, if we do that, we get stuck in that toxic behavior. So just saying that one line to her, you can actually see her kind of just shift. And it was like, there it is. So yeah, it's incredibly powerful. When you just have those moments with your clients.

Martina: so powerful. I love to talk about something that you just mentioned before talk to each other instead of about each other than the women, the women I work with are usually in like high level positions somewhere in corporate, and there is so much going on between them and their co workers, them and their boss them and themselves. Like there is so much drama all the time. And they're usually not confident or courageous enough to have the conversation. So what happens is they come to me and we talk about these things. And usually I encourage them to have the conversation, like get them clarity about what they want to say and how they can say it so they can have the conversation.

But I can only imagine all the people that aren't working with us and like you know, aren't doing the work. They're investing and wasting so much energy talking about other people. And I will say I include myself how I used to be because I was like there was something I could complain about every single day, you know. And I didn't know that there was another option where I could have a really clear structure or plan of how I could have a conversation that is really hard. So how would you say or? Yeah, let's see what you have about that.

Natalie: So you want to know, like, how do you know how do you have hard conversations or what I would what advice I'd give to people if they needed to have one?

Yeah, what advice would you give somebody who's like, who's a complainer and complains every day and doesn't move forward, but really wants to kind of let this leave this behind?

Well, you know, I just posted this on my Instagram feed from Alexi Panos and she had this great quote that said, you know, you have a choice basically every single day like if you you know, if you want to be offended, you can go out and find absolutely anything to go and be offended by. Or you can have the choice to let it go and move through it and heal from it. So you get to choose what person basically you want to be. Right and I just know when you're when you're caught up in that unhealed toxic,

you know, part of you it that's a heaviness, that's a burden that you were going to pick up every single day and walk around with. Why would you choose that? Right? So you can either choose to heal or you can choose to walk around being unhealed and Know when people are talking about other people, when I know when I hear judgment, like toxic judgment of putting a person down, that is coming from a place of your own insecurity, not them. Right. So, you know, what I teach a lot of my clients is to watch for this and other people and watch this in themselves.

So, there are two reasons why people are judging. They're judging in an area that one they feel insecure about. And two, they judge somebody that they perceive to be doing worse off in that particular area. So if I was insecure about the way that I looked, I and I wasn't healing that part of me. I would judge other people that I perceive to doing worse off in that area, because it gives me this pit of like, well, at least my life is not bad. I don't look that bad. I'm not doing that bad. And we can judge in all areas, right? parenting, career, money, marriages, friendships will judge wherever we're not feeling whole or secure. Because here's the one thing I know people that are grounded in who they are, and grounded in their own confidence. They have absolutely no reason to judge other people, because they feel good. All they want to do is build people up.

So when you're watching someone judge or tear someone down, or you're judging and tearing someone down, that's because you have a place to heal.

So that's what I say to those.

Martina: Those that does not mean, you never ever judge anybody. No,

Natalie: I do like, what what it needs to happen is I need to check into what's so now. What is triggering me, why does this bother?

Martina: Hmm.

Natalie: Right, rather than just being unconscious to it and then filling in, like, putting out toxins into the world? Yeah. Like, what does it like? So it gives me a hit of it, you know, to tear somebody else down? Okay? Why? Right? Why does that? You know, it doesn't mean that I'm not having hard conversations with people. It just means that I'm not talking about people behind their back. I'm not politicking. I'm not trying to tear anyone down. All I'm trying to do is build people up now and build myself up, like coming from that space, rather than where I was three years ago, or four years ago and corporate. Much better. Way better.

Martina: Yeah. And I think the thing around judgment, I read Debbie Bernstein's judgment, detox. And like, she starts the book off saying, like, I'm here writing this book judging myself, why am I even writing a book about judgment? You know, so I think it's something that we will always somehow do, or our brains are built a certain way to always find, look for the negative and for the danger and all of that. But at the same time, like you said, I think it's about becoming aware of, why am I experiencing this? Am I in the comparison? Am I in the fear? Am I in the insecurity? And if so, what can I do to move out of that?

Natalie: Right? Yeah. And and, you know, if you're feeling unhealed in a particular area, you're just like, Why am I always tearing down a woman for this? You know, parenting the way she parents or I don't know, the way she handles her job, or the way she looks at? Why am I doing this? Like, it feels good for a second, but it's not really that good. I don't want to be known as that person. That's not the legacy I want to leave behind. Yeah, you know, I think people need to really question that.

Martina: And then it's also the energy you send out, it's always going to come back to you. So this kind of jealous energy or, you know, this really negative, insecure, fearful energy is just gonna circle back to you like 100 100 fold, you know, so, yeah, and one of the things we talked about is be responsible for the energy that you put into the room,

Natalie: be responsible for your own energy. Right? So a lot of the time we don't, we're not conscious, we're not intentional. We're not like, how am I showing up.

And one of the things you also talk a lot about a lot is vulnerability. And I feel like in today's world, it's very hard to know, how do I navigate that? There are people you know, crying on Instagram, there are people not sharing anything personal Instagram. So how do we find or not even just Instagram, even somebody has their own business or even in a normal corporate job where you, you know, how can you be vulnerable? in a way that is actually healthy?

Yeah. So vulnerability, by definition means uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure, uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure, like, I don't know many humans like that are always signing up for that because it feels so uncomfortable. But that's where the growth is, right. And the thing about vulnerability is a lot of us are avoiding vulnerability, because we think it's the it's the birthplace of like, embarrassment and sadness and grief and regret and humiliation and shame and those big experiences and they are, like vulnerability, like you can be vulnerable and those experiences are right there to happen. Absolutely. But the thing to also note about vulnerability is that's where love, joy, belonging, creativity also live to be vulnerable. In those It is also an experience. So

Martina: Yeah, because I feel like sometimes, it's also being shared, too, in order to get approval, or, you know, and, and it's not always about being of service to others.

Yeah, that's how I look at vulnerability is like, I'm going to be vulnerable, because I know that's where my growth is. So I sign up for vulnerability, I do it. And I know I'm going to be uncomfortable. But I know that I can always come through it. And then I get to choose based on my audience, which is going to have the better impact. Right, right. Like if I was running a workshop tomorrow and say, I got into a fight with my spouse today. And I hadn't emotionally process it, I'm not going to go into that workshop and just start talking about it. It's not the right audience, I haven't probably emotionally processed it. And I don't know if it hits where it needs to hit. So anyway, those are just some of the boundaries I put around it anyway.

Martina: Yeah. And also, as long as you haven't processed this, I always think how I share my stories is that I can only share it when I'm ready to receive whatever feedback and it's gonna leave me cold. Like, I won't be able to be triggered around it, because I'm still in the healing process. So then I feel like okay, now I'm ready to share. But yeah, it depends on the audience and kind of what you what you want to share. But I think it's important that we can still be vulnerable. And it doesn't mean that we have to show up, you know, crying in or like five minutes after the fight and tell the world what's going on and say, I'm just want to be vulnerable with you.

Yeah. Right. Because then are you doing it for validation? Are you doing like, what are you doing it for? Right? So, yeah, it's just knowing you're absolutely right, just know your audience? And can you be triggered by it still, because at the end of the day, the best way to build connection with people, is through storytelling. People want to see themselves through you and be like, I had that experience parenting to my kid lost their mind in the grocery store or whatever, right? They're just they want to see themselves through yours, as well. So, vulnerability, we all do vulnerability, we just either do it consciously, or we do it unconsciously. So I'm choosing to do it consciously. I love that.

Martina: And I would like to dig a little deeper into your experience, like outside of what you're teaching and understand better, you know, what were the challenges that you had to go through around vulnerability or finding your purpose or feeling courageous to have those conversations? What are some of the things that you really struggled with?

Natalie: So super shy kid growing up, and I still have those those moments today? Where I want to like I can feel like I just want to hide, especially in a larger group, where I don't know how to like if I'm not like Leaving the group, you know, I just have to kind of just show up, I will always usually still take the back, you know, the backseat and kind of observe. I'm a good observer. I'm gonna say and then and then I'm like, okay, maybe that's how I can interject. So I'm still always trying to figure out like, this sounds weird, but like play the room. I don't want to play the room, but it's just like, how can I fit into the room. So there's been that I remember one of my biggest breakdowns, one of the most vulnerable moments, I've had a lot was going through my coaching certification. Like I went into coaching, getting my certification, thinking, I'm going to get all these great tools, and I'll just be a good coach, a great coach. And what ended up happening is, when you go through certification, it ends up breaking you down. And you have to look at all of your Ross bots and your limitations and your, you know, savage, or the Gremlins or whatever. So I had a big breakdown moment in front of everyone publicly.

What did that look like? Like, where are you?

Natalie: Yeah, so we were in this one of our sessions, and it was all about embodiment, right, getting into the body being playful, all of that, and that that's hard for me, right? Because sometimes I can get stuck up here. And so some people, my class, were really loving the playfulness, and getting, you know, embodiment. And everything in me kind of like, resisted and hated, the experience was like this look stupid, I'm not going to look that stupid, I'm not going over there and you know, rolling around on the ground, or being really expressive, or whatever they were doing, right. And it just felt awful.

So I remember, there was a, we were there for three days doing all this stuff. And I was really pushing. And I was always exhausted, because this was a stretch for me. And they had this line, they put this blue tape on the line, and everybody had to make like a declaration, and then step across it about like, what they had really, you know, achieved that weekend. And I was still hating the experience. I didn't want to declare anything, and I could just feel and they're like, okay, one minute, and then we're all going to do the thing. And I've been working with this partner in the room. And I could just feel the tears coming up. And I ran out of the room, I had to go so method in the Hyatt Hotel in Toronto, in the basement there and one of the conference rooms at the bathroom at the side, and I cried for like an hour, like ugly cry, I couldn't stop, one of the instructors came into the room. And she's like, and I'm like, I hit and everything just came out. So they eventually pulled me back into the room. And of course, I'm in a room of 25 coaches. So everybody cares about how I'm feeling and what I'm doing. And here I am being witnessed. And I want to be witness, I'm a shy, like, I was like, just everyone Leave me alone, but they wouldn't. And they called me up to the front of the room and they coached me live in front of there. And it was one of my biggest like, break down moments being witnessed that I'm thankful for. But man, it was tough. It was really vulnerable and raw. So and I just I got really that's the day that I got in touch with my, what I call the itty bitty shady committee. And I woke up to them, and I'm like, Oh my god, you've been driving the bus this whole time. That was a huge, horrible breakdown moment publicly.

Martina: And so interesting how we, when we get put to the push to the edge, all subconscious bullshit comes up. And it's Oh, it's a lot, usually.

Natalie: Totally. Right. And so yeah, like, you're gonna look stupid. People are gonna think you're weird. Like, whatever comes out, right? So you're just like, just stay small. Just play it safe. Just hide and it still happens to me. Absolutely. It does. I'm just more conscious of it now. But it'll probably be a work off for a while.

Martina: For sure. It's usually like a life's life's task to fulfill, you know?

Yeah, exactly. So, yeah, that was one of the probably the biggest, vulnerable moments for sure. And then I've had them in leadership too, and just, you know, mistakes there. But they're all they're all good learning opportunities.

Martina: And what was your biggest lesson from this experience?

Natalie: I think the biggest lesson for me was really getting in tune with what, what I was saying to myself internally, how was showing up where where was that narrative coming from? Like, I got fascinated, like when I woke up to, you know, whatever you want to call it, the saboteur or the Gremlin, you know, the roommate. When I woke up to the power it had on me, I got actually really fascinated with not only mine, but everybody else's, because I just think it's holding everybody back. So it was a huge lesson for me on how to deal with it, how to move through it, and just how to process it. Yeah, it

Martina: is really fascinating once you start to understand how it works and how you can break through. And then also it just shows up kind of everyday everywhere.

Natalie: You're like, Oh, yeah, totally does. And now I'm on to Like generational narratives, like because we show up, and then all of a sudden, you know, our parents or caregivers, they can condition us as well. So what are they saying to us about, you know, our finances or taking a risk? Or how we look or you know, just all of those if you actually get really curious about like, How did my parents talk about money? Right? How did my parents talk about a career or education? Or, you know, sexuality, or faith or any of those things? Why do I just adopt them? So I got now I'm getting really curious. With generational limitations or narratives. I think it's,

Martina: it's so interesting. I had a conversation with somebody yesterday about generational trauma and things that are passed on to the newer generations. And I realized, I don't know, are you familiar with the chakras? Yes. So the second chakra is the sacral chakra, which is where the womb space is, so where a baby grows, right, and that's the space of self worth space of trauma and relationships. So imagine, like a baby is growing in that space of your body, where you have all the trauma of your own life stored, and the losar self worth feelings, and all the relationship issues. And then that baby is in there for 910 months, it just energetically soaks it all up, right? And then you birth the baby into the world. And it's already kind of energetically pre programmed with all of that stuff. So I found that really fascinating.

Natalie: Yeah, they're doing more studies on that. Even just like, in the cell, like cellular, like watching some of the, when they look at Holocaust survivors, and after they survived, and they had children, and then you know, some of their children are coming into, you know, into the world with higher rates of anxiety, depression, and all of that, but they weren't part of the Holocaust. So what, you know, what kind of cells were passed on to them when their mothers were in that type of fear and trauma as well.
So they're doing studies about that as well. It's quite fascinating. So, like mind blowing, really,

Martina: if somebody has a dream of stepping out of corporate and no longer, you know, basically doing what you and I were doing before we had our own businesses, what would be your number one tip for them?

Natalie: You know, the funny I stayed up till 10, last night talking to somebody about this do is just start, like, just start something you got us it's the momentum, a lot of us get stuck in our heads of like, Where could go wrong? And in what could get in the way? So I think it's the only way you're going to know is by just starting right? And you probably say this is progress over perfection. You don't know until you start something but a lot of us get kind of held up on like, is this even is people are gonna like this. Is this a silly idea? Maybe there's too many people already out there doing this, like all of the errors that come up, like are there lots of coaches in the world?

Yes, there are a lot of coaches in the world right now. Are there a lot of people talking about confidence and all the stuff that I deal with worthiness, boundaries, voice there are, but there's nobody that's doing it the way that I am. Right? So it's just you have to look at it from a different perspective. And so for me, when I started, I started with my website. It was just it was a start. And then I started by telling people what I was thinking. And then people started talking to other people, they're like, hey, actually send me over here. And I just started, like, my business is different in two years, compared to where I started in March of 2019. is different. I didn't know what I didn't know, All I knew is I just needed to start.

So you know, stop getting like brainstorm. That's it, write down your ideas, get get them out on paper, see what you can see. And then from there, what's your next step? Is it going out and asking people in your network? what's possible? Is it building a website like I did? Can you start? I don't know, do you need to go to the bank and talk to somebody about your finances? It really just comes down to for me, you just have to start because you don't know what you don't know. And it'll just get the momentum going.

Martina: Yeah, and I know a lot of my perfectionist, they they have this fear of what if I start and then I cannot deliver 150% because they're all overachievers. Right. I think it's just really important. We can make up so many stories. And it is also completely okay to fail and to not do well and to try 157 times until it's quote unquote perfect, you know, for your own standards. But if you don't start with the first time, you will never get to the 100 and 57th time.

Natalie: It's just about like, you know, Vanessa MacDonald said this, to me, and I love this quote, it was like life is about living in the iteration. Right. So it's not about being perfect. So if we use my website, for example, when I started, I was like, you know, so still working in corporate and working at this at night, because I knew I was going to be making this transition. So this was my way of kind of like getting my thoughts down of like, who I served, what products I worked on like that. It kind of did that for me. And I worked on it, and what pictures and all this kind of stuff, and I was getting so wrapped up in like, like the spacing and the color you do in the morning, and I just hit launch.

And then I went on LinkedIn, and Instagram and Facebook, and I said, Hey, everybody here, you know, this is after I left corporate, I was still working on it. And finally I launched it. And what ended up happening is I got a lot of feedback from people a lot of positive feedback. And then a couple people were like, Hey, now there's a spelling mistake here. Or Hey, now, you might want to did it here. I was like, Okay, great. So I went a lot faster, with people giving me their insights that I did on my own. Yeah, I think I just have to constantly ask myself what's good enough? Because I'm going to learn in the iteration, I'm going to learn by launching, and then getting the feedback and then improving, launching, you know, getting feedback improving. So it's this process, there's not perfect, right? Like my website now, like, I need to update my website again. It does, I don't, I don't think it's okay, right now. But back then it was good enough, it got me what I needed to do. And it got the ball rolling. I just started. Love it, you have a dream, just literally start something.

Martina: Start something theater on

Natalie: momentum, go and go talk to somebody that will inspire you to move that might have some connections, build the website, go to the bank, whatever you need to do, but just start.

Martina: I think also having conversations is great that sometimes people say, you know, I actually have never talked about this, and it feels so scary to talk about it. But as you start talking about your dream it it starts forming itself. And it becomes more real than just a story in your mind. So I think having the conversations with whoever was the coach with your girlfriend with a partner, just is also a really great step,

Natalie: you know, and it's true, be and be conscious of who you're talking to talk to somebody that has done it before. That is a couple steps ahead of you. Right? You know that somebody that inspires you like and, and reach out to them? See if they'll have a 15 minute coffee chat with you on what's possible, where do they get their start? Because you want to be careful that you're not talking to people that have never done it. Because what could happen is they might project their insecurities or their fear onto you, which will just magnify your own. Right, so they will not start and they won't start right. So there's a lot of non starters out there. So if you're getting your advice from them, or people that had never done this dream, that might not be the right place for you to start the conversation.

Martina: Very good point. I want to know from you, what does living a glowing life mean to you? Personally, Natalie?

You know, I think it just is coming down to just being being yourself? For sure. And then for me, I don't know, it's being in service having an impact. Like nothing makes me feel better when I have created some kind of impact in another person's life for the positive.

Martina: Yeah. And it gives your life meaning.

Yeah, you know, like a lot of people come to you and I because they want to understand what's the purpose in life, and how do they feel fulfilled? And what I keep finding from myself and from what all the stuff I'm reading is your, your purpose comes from impacting and being in service to other people. Yeah, it's that giving when you have that, and it aligns to what you're passionate about. There's nothing better, it just feels so good. I couldn't agree more. One of the things we talked about in finding that purpose and finding that passion is it comes from your pain, your pain, you know, so things that have been painful for you. In Your Life. There's something there, there's a net, so ignoring that pain is not the right thing, but you've gotten that experience so you can help, you know, be in service to other people so that they never have to experience that pain again. Yes, something around that is really powerful when it comes to finding your purpose and your fulfillment. So anyway, that's what's the glowing light for me is creating impact and feeling like you're in you're in alignment with who you're supposed to be.

Martina: I love this so much. And do you have some non negotiable self care routine that you do regularly or every day? Definitely water like love, love cold water, so

Natalie: I drink a lot of that but self care, you know? Lately I've been working out the peloton has been an anchor for me this year, that bike. Oh my god, the best workouts. So that's been a huge anchor for me. And reading would probably be another form of self care for myself like a love a love a good book on deep right into untethered soul by Michael singer right now. It's blowing my mind I think it should be on everybody's like Christmas list or just should just be on everybody's nightstand. Should beautiful day for everybody. But yeah, so probably reading water and moving my body right now with the peloton.

Martina: Amazing. And so I have a couple of quick questions before we wrap up. Okay. What is your favorite quote?

Natalie: Well, this is an Oprah quote. Well, I've never it's not Oprah actually maybe was Maya Angelou. When you know better you do better.

Martina: Mm hmm. Beautiful. And besides the untethered soul that you're reading at the moment, is there any other book that you're you would 100% recommend to everybody? untamed Glennon Doyle, like another.

Natalie: Bible? Everybody must read this, especially women. So untamed, an untethered soul are the two books in 2020. For me,

Martina: yeah, that I have that on my nightstand too.

Natalie: It's beautiful. Yeah.

Martina: If there was one thing that you could take with you to a desert island, what would it be?

My, my family, like? Immediately, it was just my family, or does it need to be an object? Now? That's fine. Yeah, no, I take my family. They they're coming with me. I can't be with them. So I'm a mom of two boys, small boys. And then I got my hubby. So yeah, they're coming.

Martina: Beautiful. And what are three things that you are grateful for today, Natalie,

I'm definitely grateful for my health. And the strength of that I'm grateful. I'm just grateful to I think be born in this time and watching things shift and change right now. To be a woman in this time to be a coach in this time to have the education level that we do at this time to be living in this country that I live in. Like, I've just I'm grateful for all I feel like I've won the lottery, and what I stand in now. So that's kind of a bunch of things. But this timeframe I'm grateful for, and I am grateful for, yeah, my family and my dog sitting over there. So those connections are the most importantly, so nice.

Martina: Is there anything else you would like to share with our listeners today?

Natalie: You're all just amazing. You really are. If you ever doubt that just call me or Martina will remind you. But like, yeah, you're absolutely amazing. And I appreciate you giving me and Regina your time today. So thank you. Thank you, thank you, but never doubt how worthy you are. Because you're absolutely amazing.

Martina: I'm so beautiful and weak. I feel like this is a reminder, we cannot even get enough like somebody could tell us every day and we would still need to hear it every

Natalie: day to just remember. Sure. Yeah, we all have crappy days. We all have days where we doubt our capabilities or knowledge or all of that. And we feel lost sometimes. So if you ever get down that road, call us. Call us.

Martina: Love it. How can people find you online?

Natalie: Yeah, so I have my Instagram page with Natalie Dumont, all one word. And I'm also on Facebook with Natalie Diwan. And I have I pretty active on LinkedIn, that's where like to hang out as well. So you can find me there as Natalie Dumont

Martina: beautiful. And we will share all the links in the show notes so everybody can go connect with you. Thank you so much for coming onto the show today. Natalie, it was so great to chat with you. And I really just want to acknowledge you for the work that you are doing in the world specifically for women and specifically also in leadership. Because it's not the easiest place to be. Let's just say that. So it's great to see leaders like you be there and it's been so great to speak with you.

Natalie: Thank you so much. Martina loved it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you everyone. Have a great day.

Martina: I am so fueled with confidence and that spark inside from the conversation with Natalie. I hope you enjoyed this conversation as well. If you loved it as well please subscribe to the glow life podcast and leave me a review. I would be so happy to see how you like it and so that you can inspire other people to see this podcast as well. For everything we mentioned in today's episode, you can go check out the show notes at martinafink.com/podcast/128.

I would love to connect with you on social media you can find me at Martina glows on Instagram and Facebook.

And if there's anyone in your life that you think could benefit from this episode and needs a little bit more confidence then please forward it to them. Right now. A little reminder that on January 23, I'm hosting a 2021 New Year's vision mini retreat online.

So if you have been wanting to set some solid goals and get inspired for this new year without feeling overwhelmed and like to have to do it the right way.

Go to The link in the show notes to sign up or go to my website Martina Fink calm to get more details about this mini retreat.

Thank you so much for being here today and for listening to our conversation.

I hope this inspires you to live in even more glowing life.

You deserve to feel healthy, confident, empowered, and beautiful.
Thank you so much for listening to this episode! I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below! If you can think of anyone in your life who could benefit from this episode, please share it with them right now! <3



The 3 Steps High Achieving Perfectionists Can Take
For A Healthier Work-Life Balance


These Are The 3 Elements Included In The Perfectionist Self-Care Bundle

01 Where Is Your Self-Care At?

With this quick assessment workbook, you will be able to detect where you're at with your self-care and what your next step is to improve the quality time you spend recharging yourself.

02 Why Is Self-Care Important for Perfectionists? And How Do I Start?

Self-care is key for a healthy work-life balance for high achievers. You work a lot and you're easily stressed, right? Get my top 6 tips to kickstart your self-care without feeling overwhelmed. Shift from "doing" to "being" and find peace in your busy life.

03 Full Body Stress-Release Meditation

Stress and overwhelm isn't jut in the mind. It also shows in your cells, your muscle tension, and your hormones. Relaxation start with releasing stress from the physical body. Take a moment to relax every single part of your body to get grounded again.


All material in this episode is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this podcast episode. Instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.

The information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, based on the best judgement available to the speakers, and readers and listeners who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. In addition, the information and opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of every contributor. The Company acknowledges occasional differences in opinion and welcomes the exchange of different viewpoints.

#126 If You Can't See Another 2021 Goals Post

EP126 Cover.png

Let's be honest: 2020 was a tough year and we're ready to move on. But how does it make you feel to hear everyone talk about what they learned and what they're leaving behind? And what they did in each month of the past year?

I get it. We're kind of over it by now, aren't we?

I got really frustrated and triggered when I sat down to reflect on 2020. It felt like I hadn't moved forward in any way.

And I remembered to be compassionate with myself, to be kind with myself. I remembered that I am still OK and still amazing EVEN THOUGH things could have turned out much better.

Listen to this episode if you'd like an inspirational and humbling pep talk to pick yourself up from self-pity or to just fully dive into this new year with clarity and courage like never before!


Sign up for the 2021 New Year's Vision Mini Retreat here




Welcome to the glow life podcast. The one and only place for ambitious, high achieving, and perfectionist women like you who want to leave, overwhelm behind. Turn self doubt into self confidence. And learn to trust yourself again, so that you can work less fully love and accept yourself and live a fulfilled and glowing life. Every week, I'll be giving you tips and inspiration on how to think less, feel more slow down and use your body and your daily habits to help you step up, level up and glow up in all areas of your life. This is not just about the big shifts, you can glow just a little more every single day.

Welcome back to the glow life podcast. My name is Martina Fink. And I am so grateful that you are here today for the first episode of 2021. So first of all, happy new year, I hope you had a great time, celebrating the holidays and some time off and are really energized and already glowing in the new year. Today, I want to talk a lot about this new year thing, because although January 1 was really exciting, and I loved watching everybody's 2020 takeaways and things like that reflections. But at some point, I got really sick and tired of everybody saying 2020 was such a hard year. And, you know, we made it through it and watching everybody's photo reviews from last year, what they have learned what they are leaving behind. And I just feel that it is something everybody's talking about. And by now we're probably over it.

So, I also took some time over the holidays to sit down and look at my goals. I have this goal setting planner that I created for myself initially, and I use it with my clients as well. And I reviewed the goals that I had set for myself a year ago in 10 different areas of my life, including health, relationships, social life, work, all the things that matter in life, really. And I looked at the goals that I had set for myself, and also realize that I did not achieve so many things I wanted to achieve. And I felt really triggered and frustrated for like an entire day.

I haven't followed through in many areas where I wanted to achieve things. And I usually pick three main goals. So the three goals I wanted to achieve in the past year, I did not really move much closer to that if not move completely away from it. And the reason why this happened was because of a couple of different things. Obviously, we went through a pandemic, we're still in a pandemic at the moment. And that does a lot with us, right. And when you have your own business like I do, you are the way you feel has a direct impact on the results in your business. So I got in my way a lot. I was standing in my own way a lot in the past year, I was too comfortable at home on the couch. I slept in almost every day. And I told myself stories, why I cannot work or why I cannot get the things done or focus on the things I really wanted to achieve last year.

And while even saying all of this out loud right now, it is a lot of judgment that I had when I started these realizations. I was really hard on myself, I was like you slept in too much, you're too comfortable at home, you got in your own way. And while I could completely go on this self judgment journey and be really hard and mean to myself, I had to realize that I also get to just have compassion with myself.

And I also get to be kind to myself. And I know that whatever happened last year, I did the best that I could, I could not have done better. I literally could not have done better right with the resources and the information and the energy and the emotions that I had. And I also get to realize that I am still enough. I am still amazing. I am still glowing. Even though I did not achieve many of the things I wanted to achieve and it is 100% okay, if you did not achieve your goals last year, and you are still 100% okay, you're still 100% enough, you are still 100% beautiful, and worthy of an amazing life.

So, if you have been really hard on yourself, with your reflections of the past year, or with how the past year went, just sprinkle in a little bit more love and compassion for yourself, and be kind to yourself. Because what truly matters in the end is how we communicate with ourselves. The stories we tell ourselves, the way we treat ourselves, right? The most important relationship in the entire world is the one that you have with yourself. And so maybe this is an opportunity, an invitation for you to check where your self love is truly.

Now over the holidays, I've also taken so much time to prepare for the new year, I have actually never taken this much time to properly map out everything and desires and, and the things I want to work on in my business as well as my personal life. And one of the things I'm really focusing on for this new year is not so much the things I want to do, but more how I want to feel this year. And this kind of transition has already happened during Christmas during the holidays. Because I have celebrated so much over these past two, three weeks, I even danced with my mom on New Year's Eve, and my dad was watching us because he doesn't like to sing at all. And we had so much fun dancing together, I organized a couple of dance parties with some of my friends. And it has just been beautiful to tap into that energy.

And that's exactly the kind of energy I want you to tap into in the new year as well. Not so much of how can you get this and this done? How can I achieve all my goals? What is the next thing I need to do? Because you are already doing so much like remember that, right? You are already doing so much you already have all these to do lists. We don't need more of those, we need more joy, we need more pleasure, we need more fun in this new year. Because guess what, we still don't know what's gonna happen in three months, right?

So, we have been prepared for this time of uncertainty. And now that we have gone through the 2020 experience, now we know what it's like. And now we can practice being present with ourselves and have fun with ourselves. And know that you get to be yourself, you get to have fun, and you can dance even when the world is on fire. What matters is that you are in the present moment. Because this is where we can find true peace in the present moment. No matter how long your to do list is no matter how big the goals are you want to achieve in this new year, you get to be present with yourself, you get to find joy, you get to dance to your favorite song, or to a song you have never heard before, or to a song that isn't even your music style, you get to explore that. And the more we can feel this energy, the more we can raise our own vibrations, we are going to attract more of the things that we want. And we're also going to attract the kind of people we want to have in our lives this year as well.

That being said, I am hosting an online mini retreat to help you set your intentions and visions for the new year. So if you have been feeling frustrated, just like me, in December, or even maybe still are because you didn't prioritize your goals, or you haven't achieved your goals the way you wanted them to. Maybe you're struggling to dream big, because we really don't know what's gonna happen, right? Maybe you're struggling to even have any goals at all for this new year. And you're just like, you know, I just don't want to set any goals at all. And that's also completely fine. But I still think it is interesting and important to have some sort of direction where you want to go this year, goals or dreams with a plan.

So, I think it's extremely important in this time where we don't know what will happen. Not we don't lose sight of our dreams, even if they are, quote unquote, too big for right now, even if they are not going to happen this year at all. Who knows, we never know. So start dreaming, start planning and start doing take action on the things you want to achieve. So I wanted to quickly give you a brief overview of what we're working on in this mini retreat. First off, we're going to start with intentions and with a celebration party. We're actually going to dance together, and that's something that has been, like I just mentioned before, a really important part of my life in the past year. And I don't think we get to actually celebrate ourselves enough. And even if there is absolutely nothing to celebrate, we'll still get to dance together and just swim in this beautiful energy of connected women from around the world that just want to feel really good and glowing.

So we're starting with that. And then there is a lot of time to actually brainstorm and plan and prioritize what are your main focuses for this new year. And maybe you are already have a couple of goals that you want to work on. But we go a little deeper into the 10 areas of your life that you can set goals for, we're going to prioritize what are the top three most important ones? And why are they so important to you. Because if you just have a goal or a dream, and you're not really sure why you want to achieve it, you won't follow through, the dream won't make it to the end of the year, right. So that's super key.

And then I'm going to guide us through some practices, including a powerful visualization where you visualize what you're going to cultivate and create in this new year. And also, I'll be giving you some journaling prompts in the workshop where you are going to get more clarity. And you will get your own guidance for how you can make this the best year because I could go on and on about all the amazing things you can do. I could give you all the tips and the manifestation hacks and everything. It might not work for you because it's not your own guidance.

So, we're really diving into your own intuition in this workshop. And there will be time for sharing and coaching, where you can ask me questions where you can ask for support where you can also just share your vision, and the beautiful dreams that you have in your life. Because sometimes let's be honest, we have dreams that we don't dare say out loud. And we have dreams that we don't talk about with our friends, right? Because you might think that they are going to say that you're crazy, or that it's never going to happen. And maybe that has happened in the past. This is a space where you can come in and share anything that's on your heart, any dream, any plan, any idea, any intention that you truly desire to cultivate and create in your life. And it's a safe space, and we're not going to judge you, we're actually going to celebrate you for that. So this is something that you want to join.

The mini retreat is happening on January 23. I will put the link in the show notes to get direct access to the page where you can sign up. Plus you can also just go to my website, Martina Fink comm and find the details there. I would love to see you there. I would love to support you with some new visions for the new year. And remember, if you lose focus, all you can do is just refocus. It's not the end of the world, we get to reassess where we want to focus on. So head to the show notes or to the link on my website. And I would love to see you there. And if there's anybody in your life that needs to hear this compassion, pep talk about how 2020 was and how we dive into this new year, then please send this podcast episode to them right now.

Thank you so much for being here today.

Please take some time to rest to be with yourself, to plan to party to dance and to just glow from within.

Because you deserve to be healthy, confident empowered, and beautiful.


Thank you so much for listening to this episode! I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below! If you can think of anyone in your life who could benefit from this episode, please share it with them right now! <3



The 3 Steps High Achieving Perfectionists Can Take
For A Healthier Work-Life Balance


These Are The 3 Elements Included In The Perfectionist Self-Care Bundle

01 Where Is Your Self-Care At?

With this quick assessment workbook, you will be able to detect where you're at with your self-care and what your next step is to improve the quality time you spend recharging yourself.

02 Why Is Self-Care Important for Perfectionists? And How Do I Start?

Self-care is key for a healthy work-life balance for high achievers. You work a lot and you're easily stressed, right? Get my top 6 tips to kickstart your self-care without feeling overwhelmed. Shift from "doing" to "being" and find peace in your busy life.

03 Full Body Stress-Release Meditation

Stress and overwhelm isn't jut in the mind. It also shows in your cells, your muscle tension, and your hormones. Relaxation start with releasing stress from the physical body. Take a moment to relax every single part of your body to get grounded again.


All material in this episode is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this podcast episode. Instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.

The information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, based on the best judgement available to the speakers, and readers and listeners who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. In addition, the information and opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of every contributor. The Company acknowledges occasional differences in opinion and welcomes the exchange of different viewpoints.

#125 Fashion That Fits Your Body Shape with Cricket Lee


Cricket Lee is an entrepreneur and inventor and CEO at BOTASCI, particularly noted for creating an apparel fitting solution that includes body shape applications and online data profile algorithms to enable women to buy online without try ons and costly returns. 


  • How the fashion industry fails inclusivity when it comes to body shapes and different ethnicities

  • Why BOTASCI can help reduce unnecessary returns and therefore the carbon footprint of the fashion industry

  • The history of shape and how fashion and body shapes changed over the last 100 years

And so much more! 


Feeling is a Secret - by Neville Goddart
James Allen
Dr. Joe Dispenza




This is episode number 125 with cricket Lee. Welcome to the Glow Life Podcast. The one and only place for ambitious, high achieving and perfectionist women like you who want to leave, overwhelm behind. Turn self doubt into self confidence. And learn to trust yourself again, so that you can work less fully love and accept yourself and live a fulfilled and glowing life. Every week, I'll be giving you tips and inspiration on how to think less, feel more slow down and use your body and your daily habits to help you step up, level up and glow up in all areas of your life. This is not just about the big shifts, you can blow just a little more every single day.

Welcome back to the Glow Life Podcast. so grateful to have you here with me today. I want to kick off this episode with a lot about the week. And since we are in this busy season of the year, which can be busy for a lot of people who have high level jobs that are really busy towards the end of the year. And it can also be very different than any other years before. Because we're still kind of in the middle of this weird 2020 experience, right.

So, wherever you are, however you are experiencing this month in 2020, I want you to take a break, and just breathe. Let's just do this together right now taken inhale and exhale. One more time, be present with yourself, inhale and exhale through your mouth. If you want to do it one more time, feel free to do so. It takes a few seconds. And it's so powerful.

So, how can you take more of these simple and quick little breaks in between your days to breathe, to be present with yourself to maybe take a look out of the window and where I'm at right now. It's all white. And it's so pretty. And I love looking outside and just yeah, I enjoy this beautiful peaceful light view. Snow, I love snow, It's so peaceful. How can you look outside of the window and watch the clouds pass by, or maybe you sit outside and soak in some sunshine for a few minutes.

So many people are not doing this. So many people are rushing through life. And I used to be one of those people too. You know, you can change. Things can change in your life. But it's important that we remain present because the present moment is the only moment we ever have. We are only living in the now we cannot live in the past. Our thoughts can for sure our thoughts can be in the past, they can also be in the present. I mean, in the future. They're rarely in the present, right. So this is a quick glow tip reminder to remain present to get present if you're not. And as simple as it sounds. It's sometimes so much harder than we may think.

Now, I'm really excited to share something that I have just published a couple days ago. It's a new workshop that is happening in January Saturday, January 23 2021. I'm hosting a 2021 New Year's vision mini retreat. This is an online event where you can join from wherever you are, I tried to make the time as possible for everybody to join wherever you are in the world. So check out the details in the show notes.

So, what we're going to do in this mini retreat is we're going to set really clear goals and intentions for the new year. We're gonna kick it off with the celebration party and setting intentions and then we're going to sit down and brainstorm. Start planning and figure out how can we prioritize ourselves in the new year, rather than just you know, having another year of working really hard being busy all the time, where time just flies by? I want you to intentionally go through this year, prioritizing yourself in every single area of your life. I will be sharing the tool that I've been using for several years with all of my clients around planning the new year and setting goals for the different areas of your life.

We're then going to do a visualization to get really clear with your inner eye with your subconscious about what it is that you want to magnetically attract. And there will be some journaling exercises for you to help you get clarity. And there will be time to ask questions and to share your experiences. And to get coaching from me. I'm really excited to bring this event to you. And it is happening again Saturday, January 23. You can sign up now with the link in the show notes. The early bird price is valid until December 31. And it's $97 instead of 197. So I really hope to see you there and to have some time together to get really ready for this new year without feeling frustrated that the year flies by and it will be 31st of December again.

And now let's get started with Cricket Lee. She is an entrepreneur and inventor and CEO of BOTASCI particularly noted for creating an apparel fitting solution that includes body shape applications, and online data profile algorithms to enable women to buy online without try-ons, and costly returns. In today's episode, we talk about how the fashion industry fails inclusivity when it comes to body shapes and different ethnicities, why BOTASCI can help reduce unnecessary returns and therefore the carbon footprint of the fashion industry, the history of shape and how fashion and body shapes changed over the last 100 years, and so much more. And you can find everything we talked about today in the show notes at martinafink.com/podcast/125.

Martina: Welcome crickets. I'm so excited to have you on the show today and talk to you about your brand BOTASCI.

Cricket: Well, hello, Martina and it's great to be here. I'm so honored to be part of your podcast. You really are. I feel like somebody that kind of lived lives in the zone that I do. So I'm excited to be talking to you today.

Martina: Yes, so you're the CEO of BOTASCI, which stands for body data science, which is a software that makes online shopping so much easier, because, you know, we send so many things back and forth because they don't fit us. Right. So online shopping is something that I really shy away from. Because it's so frustrating when you order and you have to bring it back to the post office. And so what has been your key motivator? Or like, what is why did you create this software?

Cricket: Well, I've been in fashion marketing and advertising for many years. And you know, my friends and I, we couldn't find anything to wear, of course, as you age, your body changes and so forth. So through all the trends of like low rise pants, and so forth. And, you know, if you're certain shapes, you just can't wear those kind of clothes. So it was just very frustrating as trends change. So I decided to solve it. And I started doing research many years ago, to see how to solve it. So it's, it's a real, it's a real passion to really get it done now, because the fashion industry is basically egocentric, meaning it is a it is a push consumer program, meaning we're gonna create it, we're gonna make it we're gonna design it, and then you buy it. And so it's more what not consumer centric from that perspective. Whereas what BOTASCI is, it's a consumer centric platform that makes it use your friend friendly for customers to buy clothes.

Martina: So maybe you need to explain how this exactly works, because I saw that you will have like different codes. So for example, I would have a specific code based on my body shape. And then I would go on to a brand's website and enter my code. And then will they then custom make things or will they have?

Cricket: No, it has different mass, meaning there will be a lot of product available, and all body types, but it's a totally opposite from today. Because the way everything's kind of grown up through the stores which have categories and like if you if you go sell clothing in certain departments that store so for example, they may have a category that's called missing, and that would be sizes, you know, like two through 16. And then you would go into a plus department and then that's 16 through w through 32 or whatever that is and then if you go into like the target you have to make us four through 24. So like every store has it's like mix.

So what they do is they have a bell curve that they make clothing from and then at the end of the day because everything's really siloed. Now, the day of an incline or Donna Karen, knowing everything about a product, customer marketing or distribution, everything that day is now changed into follows, meaning the designers here merchandisers here, the sourcing is here, the marketing is here, the finances here. So they don't, it's not really 360 inside these big silos anymore. So hard to affect anything from that perspective, but the way it really works is that a brand would adopt a particular body type segments. And then they would make clothing for that body type segment. And it's usually based, it's usually based ethnically how the shapes work, because if you cut the globe in half, and I learned this through studying, initially 60,000 women, and then we did over 300,000 transactions where we told you what to buy, and you bought what we told you, and then we made sure you had your fit.

So basically, you can cut the globe in half, over half of globe is really more Caucasian, Asian, light skin based, and that's mostly like a strike shape, you know, to an hourglass shape. And then the bottom half of the globe is more dark skin based. And that's basically smaller waist, and so forth. So those shapes have really not been present in the fashion industry before. So once you identify your shape, then you don't have to think about it anymore. Because the brands and manufacturers will make products that will fit you and your only looking at what fits you. Because ecommerce is, you know, I really created this for e commerce, I didn't really know it at the time. But really, it's where a designer in Singapore could make clothing for people around her or him. And it could be like a double 034. And it would be long waisted small busted square shoulder, you know, hyper hip carve regular torso and short legs. That's kind of a generic description of how an Asian body changes.

So the brands can pick whatever demographic they want, and make clothing for that demographic. And then the women that look at that, or man someday will only have to view what's going to fit them out of the box. So it's a totally different way of looking at how to make clothes, how to sell clothes, and how to keep the consumer happy. So once you've built your data profile, and we know your exact size and shape and configuration, then that profile stays with you. So any brand that licenses, the fit has licenses, the system has access to you through that profile. So you don't have to go into one store and go figure out your fit for each brand or have to go into another store online. It goes with you wherever you are. So that's one of the benefits we bring to the brands is that people already know they're fit or not, everybody's not guessing Well, how many size 10s? Do I need? You know, I have to pick it out online anymore. You just look at what fits you. It's a very disruptive concept.

Martina: Yeah, it kind of works the other way around, right? Instead of just producing clothing for like a very stereotype kind of body shape. And then kind of find people who fit in those clothes. It's like the other way around, we have the different shapes and ethnicities and you know, body types of people. And then based on that we will find the clothes, which makes so much more sense, especially now that we like you said the e commerce and online shopping especially now also in 2020, where we're not allowed to go out in many countries and cities and like we still need certain things right? So online shopping has become more and more popular. And also I remember in like March, right when we went into lockdown in Switzerland, we were like every everybody started buying online and the and the post offices and they were like overwhelmed with packages and everything was delayed. And so I think this is a great tool to also help reduce the amount of waste that is created in the world.

Cricket: While the global carbon footprint, these brands and retailers have signed agreements to clean up the waste by the year 2030. So they got to start looking outside the box of where they're doing things now. And you know the returns are $4 billion a year 65% of us will not buy because of the problems and fit online. It's just a huge issue with the industry in the three main problems we solve one is the returns problem we reduced returns about 75% which you can imagine what that would do for the bottom line profit for anybody that get adopted, we totally eliminate exterior returns, meaning you know, hello how some women, I don't know if you've ever done this, but two or three, pair it first to make sure you're going to get the fit, because you don't know which size is going to fit you. So we eliminate that totally.

And then the third thing is we have a predictive demand forecast model that we can, if a if a brand wants to target a particular demographic, we just say, Okay, here's a starting database that you can use to start building and anyway, so that's, that's the whole thing. It's totally it's it does, it kind of flips, everything about how everything's made. Because installed, because the designers and the brands are used to thinking about style first. And then oh, by the way, does it fit, that's 50% of the purchase decision is does it fit. So if if they now say let's figure out the fit First, let's design the products with that fit in mind. And then let's offer it to women that are that fit, then look how it changes the whole, the whole supply chain, and development and styling and so forth. Because some design, a lot of designers know how the industry really works, which actually to go into the history of that, of how that was developed?

Okay, so really fit and I can only speak to America, but I think America is kind of driven fashion worldwide, not not really to tour kind of fashion that really does come out of that, like France and Tokyo and so forth. But what happened here in the United States is they because mail order was coming together, the women used to either make their own clothing, our have Tyler make the club up until the 30s. And then the women went into the workforce, they had to come up with some solution for for readymade clothing. And so they started with like, the number 14 really meant 14 year old girl, because they really thought it would be the ones that would need a standard that adults wouldn't really need a standard because they all have tailors and they all make clothing.

So they measured women from the military, post rationing from World War Two, all Caucasian, all 25 year old, all set women, and they measured that group, and then they took those measurements in a bucket and averaged it out. Well, if you take all the shapes, and you average them out, you're going to get an hourglass shape. And an hourglass shape grows linearly. So they gain their weight evenly, top and bottom. Well, that's only about 20% of the global population. So that's where they standardize fit in our association. So you, we have to come up with a standard.

So 1952, they standardize that hourglass shape. And all of the things around it were standardized. So that fit models were all you know, you shall the 3624 35. Like that was how it was set up, which is still in place today. So even if a brand tries to adopt different ethnicities or different shapes, it's really they really don't have vehicles to do that with industry because of the fit model situation. So they might pattern or they might find a woman that has the shape that they want, but they use those old linear sizing rules. You know, if you see a pattern where they've got like, half an inch around the pattern, you're receiving a pattern. Well, that's how they do fit in the industry. Yeah, women like me, so I have a high up a hip turf, and my body when I gain weight, it's all in the middle. Yeah, okay. Just, you know, not because I'm protection, but part of that is being Caucasian or northern northern planet. And so my body grows that way, my legs don't really grow that much, but my middle grows.

So now, if you've got a big booty, and then your body is going to grow in your thighs and lower bottom. So it's a biological change that really happens. And so what I did was studied 60,000 women, with my team, and we discovered how the sizing should work as well as the shape. And so no matter who tries to emulate it or copy it, they can't really keep it because even though they reverse engineering, they can't hold it. Because they don't know how we're doing the fair because it's true innovation like so I'm only saying that because I've been doing this many years in fashion industry copies things that's just, I'm not bitching about it. I'm just saying you know, that's what happens.

So anyway, it's a it's pretty much a phenomenon, how it really works and women don't have to think about their their fit anymore. Once they've tried it. Try to solve my beta brands in December. I had a couple Concept logic and solve all that, really to replace the past and move forward with this new company, which is really an elevated science with more body shapes on the bottom, and top shapes, and then dresses, and then all of that. So, and I believe shape drives all of your purchase decisions around clothing. Like me, I'm a bigger woman, so I'm probably going to wear art, I do wear like chunky jewelry, because I'm artsy. And you'll never get to see me a little tiny in gold, because it wouldn't work on me.

So there is a lot of things that shapes drive, the cars you buy, you know, the kind of clothes you wear, and so forth. So anyway, that's kind of how the whole industry approached it. And so I've been working on this for 23 years actually started on HSN, with a body type application with the executive director of Ford Model, she had come up with this, she wrote this book and body types, and we merchandise the collection with nets, and put it on there for three years. And it really worked well. So after that I decided to see if I could find a way to put the fit part of it into the clothing. And I didn't realize how to throw out the whole book and start up. That's what I did. So tested in Nordstrom, Macy's on QVC, and then online. And then we started our own in house brand couple bought and sold like 250,000 pair, and a little over a year and discovered all of the online in the consumer, like the customer service pieces of it an online certification, I mean, the global certification of the product.

Martina: So interesting. And do you find with your research that generally body types have changed in the last century? Or have there always been the same kind of body types?

Cricket: Well, the body types have always existed, but the general population, and I'll just talk about the United States, because even though they're existed different populations, only a certain only certain ethnicities were really recognized. Does that make sense? though now, that latter part of last century, things started changing during the war, everything was rationed. So everybody was kind of the same size. So and women back in the 50s, they were dresses, you know, very rarely did you wear pants, you see Katharine Hepburn, she wore pants, but there were men's trousers, belts and plates. And though the shape really didn't matter, so when pants were starting to be brought into the marketplace, that's when the fit issue really started. And then right as far as diversity goes, you know, we became, over the years, we became so dependent on all of our mixers and vacuums. I mean, we we our whole lifestyle changed, we sit in front of a TV, we didn't go out so much and people work out, some people don't. But the whole lifestyle change. So as our lifestyles changed, we started gaining weight. Like I don't know if you know that 65% of women are oversize 12 in the US, and the average woman is 16 and five foot four,

Martina: And what would you say has been the biggest challenge in doing this work for you?

Cricket: I think probably industry mindset that designers have grown up with fit being a brand attribute. So I have my fitness brand has to fit this brand has to fit this fit back in the 70s and 80s. When Donna Karen have a fit kind of changed was in 1983, Ronald Reagan lifted the standards, which meant everybody can do their own fit whatever that was. And some of the designers started using themselves as fit models. And as they aged and grew, the production people were afraid to change the label is really what started happening. So it's just kind of an egocentric industry. It's like I have a consumer centric solution. But it's been hard to get them to think about it because even though returns are getting worse and worse and worse, it's just the way they think inside their box. Right? Yeah, big tech is supposed to go protect the fit, right?

And so I'd get the merchants, the merchants of the designers kind of love it. This is great. And then the fit temperature. I've got that handled. I'll do that. So the CFO is not going to tell the fitech when you show us this fit, you know, today, it's a whole different story. And I really never gave up because I knew someday it would be right but, but today, it's really needed because the industry is in such dire straits and retail is shifting the landscape is shifting rapidly, I think that I personally think the localized inventory model for fashion can't survive, because of the reasons right now, you know, there's a lot of issues around trying to enclose in the stores that don't even have a dressing room token. And then there's the fact that everybody's meeting online.

So whereas e commerce when I started my development, it was only 1% of apparel purchases. Today, it's like 50%, of pair purchase. Yeah. And it will be more so the online, they have to look at other solutions. Now, after I launched my first fit finder in on QVC, in 2005, I was on the air, I sell $700,000, with the pants in 14 minutes, it was phenomenal, six minutes early, and women just went crazy. I never tried on again. And so I tested but really, I didn't fit the pictures of the fashion industry. So because women like me, it wasn't really, you know, today might be more acceptable back then it wasn't acceptable for me to be a big, you know, from Texas, not from New York. Anyway, I'm gonna just say it like it is.

So anyway, the industry really has resisted the change to a universal fit. But we were voted as the best fitting gene in America on Good Morning America, in January this past January, because because of the way we do the online tool to find your fit, and then give you fit out of the box. So it really it's an idea, it's timeless. And now I'm starting to get retailers interested, because like I said, the whole environment is shifting from retail brick and mortar to online. So I'm hoping to take this system and put it into venues where people can, you know, look at samples or try things on and then have them drop shipped overnight from a centralized distribution center, like a regional central distribution center, instead of having the stores carry all that inventory, and the market down market down market down. And then dressing room overloads. And then it goes off to this whole chain of discounters, you know, and it gets closed out, and then it gets burned or thrown in the landfill.

Martina: Yeah. Which is a whole other story. So interesting. And so cool. I think with just with anything, you said, the industry is very resistant to this. And just with anything that is new, and that is kind of revolutionary, we always have resistance. So hopefully,

Cricket: that will be it's not a bad thing. It's just the way What do they say about the truth? First it's despised, then it's seen, then, you know, then it's accepted. And then it becomes the norm. And that's kind of the way this is this is the truth about the human body, how changes, and it's just now time for people to see that it really works. And you know that it's going to change their shopping experience they're making experience their production experience.

Martina: Yeah, that makes so much sense. Cool. So I have a couple of questions for you, personally. And the first one is, what does living a glowing life mean to you?

Cricket: Oh, well, I am. I've been working on myself for many, many years. I really work at shifting my consciousness every morning and every night, and meditating and moving into like nothingness. And it took me many years years, I really used to think meditating once, what do I want, you know, feeling the feelings of what I wanted. And it hasn't been until very recently that I realized that's not really it, what it is to totally blank your mind. And let your brain synapses Connect inside. And then everything, you know, is magical after that. So I think that a lot of you know of my journey I took personally, and that it was so hard for me to get here. So the day I'm accepting myself and allowing the universe to guide me instead of me trying to control everything. Control fridge. You being from Switzerland. Yeah, we got a little bit of that going on too.

Martina: Definitely. Definitely. Yeah, I understand that. So well. It's like the balance between Yeah, what do I desire? What do I want and how can I find like inner peace, and then also releasing the control and letting the universe take care of it like I call this co creation. So everything we do we co create with the universe, we do our part. And then the universe is its part. So I love this is beautiful.

Cricket: And it's so much better to just allow it all to be whenever it is, yeah. Oh my I wanted this or that it's like, let it let it all go. I've had some really violent, hostile takeovers, and actually, in the last four years, six years, I went through three of them. And finally, I just said, Okay, I surrender, and I just let it all go. And then it all came back brand new and fresh. And I still have my same team and I still have all the trade secrets in our heads. And we still have everything better than we ever had before, because we really learned everything you needed to learn. So it's been an interesting thing to just let the universe guide the external processes and make them all perfect. And that is, I think, to me is the probably the hardest job as human beings that we face is to just accept everything, totally as it comes and know that it's all perfect. Because the way we're trying does it.

Martina: Yeah. And it's also often doesn't feel perfect. So that's like, Okay, how am I going to accept this non perfect thing, or this disturbing thing, or this problem or this challenge, when, really, it just happens for a reason? So you said, you talked about meditation that you do every day? Is there anything else that you practice every day, in terms of like self care and taking care of yourself,

Cricket: I have some teachers online, I watch a lot. And even I found that their particular years of their teaching that I prefer, over later, you know, what I'm saying chicks or periods of time when they were connected in the flow and a great way that there's a lot of great books and, and things out there that kind of can help you learn about yourself. Somebody I've known for a long time is Joe dispenza. You know him. So he has a he says more theoretically, like his scientifically discipline, you know, disciplining yourself, to do the meditation and to do the work to allow your day to be perfect, like create your day to be perfect, right. So there's other people too, that I really love. And there's a lot of books back from during the years when Theosophy was big, I think the you know, James Allen and different writers, there's a book that I love called one of the best books ever.

Martina: Yeah, give me your favorite book.

Cricket: I think it's feeling as a sacred little short book, is by neville goddard. And it was done probably back in the 30s, or 40s. But it is just a book on the law and its operation, and how how the law, you know, of the universe works, which is, whatever you entertain in your mind, is in before you go to sleep. And when you get up in the morning, whenever you're entertaining, is what you're going to get. So what we tend to do is fall into all the bad stuff that happened during the day or, you know, or where we are with our relationships, or what's the problems or whatever. And it's, it's not so easy to to do that. But once you force yourself to move into that space, then the things that happen, don't feel violent anymore. Yeah, you know, the universe is just here it is, it's your drain, you got to know that whatever's coming to you is exactly your drain, you just can't look at it the way you might normally look at it. You just have to let it be whatever it is.

Martina: Yeah, I love that. We're gonna share the book in the show notes as well. So everyone can go check it out. What are three things that you are grateful for today?

Cricket: I'm grateful to understand my freedom in the cause and effect of my life. And that I'm only responsible for how I think and feel and the knowledge about that. That's the main thing is just knowing that that I'm perfect the way I am. Everything in my space is perfect because I created and so forth. I'm very thankful to have a beautiful family, my daughter, she's doing the business with me now, and I'm grateful to have her I'm grateful to have my boyfriend who looks after me and he's perfect for me because he's not clingy or needy or anything. He's like, okay, you want to go live in California go you know, it's like it's it's great to have relationships around me like that. So I'm grateful for that. And I'm grateful that I found my calling. And my I'll just call it my it's really my life's work website is the culmination of my life's life's work. Since I was young as a fashion designer, or aspiring fashion designer, moving into it, living into this, and how the universe gave me pictures and visions for the years, and that now, you know, like, My boyfriend is retiring, and he wants me to retire, like right now he's retiring in two ways. It's like, I want you to retire, like right now, I'm like, sorry, that I have to finish this.

Martina: a mission to accomplish!

Cricket: I have to get it in the market, I have to get Natasha, like, the team around her like, I'm working right now. So that she can, this is her legacy, you know, for me, I'm just thankful for all of that. And also saying, and I'm and I'm starting to sing again. So, you know, I think it's important for us to, to use our talents and express ourselves, yes. And not, like, squelch something because you don't think you have time for it? And that's what I've done for the year. So

Martina: yeah, I think too many women are or general, people in general, using the excuse, I don't have time, I don't have time for this, this and this. And like, yeah, we all have the same amount of time. It's just about how we use it. So is there anything else you want to share with my listeners today?

Cricket: I think that's right now, it's an age of personal independence combined with collective consciousness, like, moving yourself out of the norm and out of the mass consciousness and into into yourself and loving yourself. And then having that connects you to people like you like talking to you today. You are of like, mind, I can tell of how I feel about things and life and so forth. And so then you connect into your group, you know, your group of people, and you may may say, What is it you meet somebody for a lifetime are a, you know, for a little,

Martina: I think a reason or a season or a lifetime? Yeah,

Cricket: that's it. Okay. So yeah, and so you may meet somebody, and you hit it off with them, and you never see him again. Or you may end up being best friends with them forever, whenever, but it's still, you know, it's still like your crew. So anyway, I, I'm thankful to understand that I don't have to surrender to mass consciousness. And I get I get caught up like everybody else. People are spinning out videos here and there and sending me Oh, look at this, look at this, like, like, Oh, no, I'm sorry, I don't want to buy into that. That's, it's gonna be negative for my personal energy. Even Yeah, I may agree with it or not agree with or whatever. So I just try to now like, ignore everything that doesn't support my happy, joyful consciousness that I'm that I've worked so hard to create for myself.

Martina: Yeah, it's definitely important to have healthy boundaries around that overflow of information that is available today. So where can people find you online,

Cricket: they can go to Botha fi.com. And that's b o ta sdi.com. We otaa SDI Comm. And that's where my new program is. There's a lot of stories on my past endeavors, and the media and you can read about the whole journey. I've got kind of a timeline in my web, my website that talks about when I started, and all the way through media articles that came out during years as I was in development, so that the world can see, you know, you can have your dreams, but it doesn't always happen overnight. But you know, yeah, any pressure, I should go for their dreams. And I had this after 911, I was a marketing consultant, and I'm sitting in my living room floor, and I have a little girl to look after. And my husband and I had an agreement, excuse me with me, I paid for, for her issues with him. He paid for her. So there was never any child support.

So all my marketing went away. And I'm sitting in the middle of delivering for and I just said, Okay, what do I do now. And this little voice came and said, do what you love the money. And truly, I got up the next morning and I worked on a Cricket League brand. And I first started first started working with target, they let me do research inside their stores. And that's how I started discovering how I'm shocked. But they looked at how they bought according to age and so forth. So I'm just saying do what you love every day. And don't, don't ever worry about it. If you have to leave something that you're unhappy and to go after something that you really want to do because it really will work out. We're always taken care of. No matter what we always can find food. I don't know if you ever read about this woman she was called a peace pilgrim. And one day she was so fed up. She got out on the road and she started walking. And she just walked in. She just didn't take anything with her. She just left everything. And she would just meet people along the road that would look after her and she just decided out I'm just gonna go send peace to the world. So she always had food, she always had a place to sleep. It's like, you know, you're always taken care of. So you just don't ever have to worry about that.

Martina: Yeah, that's beautiful. Thank you so much. Thank you for being on the show today and for sharing your experience and your wisdom with us. I think it's amazing the software that you that you are creating, because it's hopefully going to solve a lot of problems for people who want to shop online, but then also for brands to just reduce the waste. And I think that's, yeah, definitely a very, very great invention that is so needed in the wild right now.

Cricket: So can I say for people to go sign up and help us? Like Join the movement? Like on our website? Of course, they can. We can keep them in touch with what's happening. And as we adopt friends, I'm talking to my first big retailer right now. I think he's gonna adopt it. So once I have one, it'll that'll change everything I think, but thank you.

Martina: Yes, of course.

Cricket: Well, I've loved this. This has been great talking to you. I have to stay in touch with you. You're just lovely.

Martina: Thank you. What a beautiful mission to be on to help women feel better in their clothes and have better shopping experiences online, and also while making a difference on the planet. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to the podcast and I would be so happy if you left me a review about how you enjoyed the podcast. For everything we mentioned in today's episode, you can go check out the show notes at martinafink.com/podcast/125.

I would love to connect with you on social media you can find me at Martina glows on Facebook and on Instagram. And if there's anybody in your life that could really enjoy this episode today, please send it to them right now.

Thank you so much for being here today and for sharing and listening to our conversation.

I really hope this inspires you to live an even more glowing life.

You deserve to feel healthy, confident and powered and beautiful.


Thank you so much for listening to this episode! I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below! If you can think of anyone in your life who could benefit from this episode, please share it with them right now! <3



The 3 Steps High Achieving Perfectionists Can Take
For A Healthier Work-Life Balance


These Are The 3 Elements Included In The Perfectionist Self-Care Bundle

01 Where Is Your Self-Care At?

With this quick assessment workbook, you will be able to detect where you're at with your self-care and what your next step is to improve the quality time you spend recharging yourself.

02 Why Is Self-Care Important for Perfectionists? And How Do I Start?

Self-care is key for a healthy work-life balance for high achievers. You work a lot and you're easily stressed, right? Get my top 6 tips to kickstart your self-care without feeling overwhelmed. Shift from "doing" to "being" and find peace in your busy life.

03 Full Body Stress-Release Meditation

Stress and overwhelm isn't jut in the mind. It also shows in your cells, your muscle tension, and your hormones. Relaxation start with releasing stress from the physical body. Take a moment to relax every single part of your body to get grounded again.


All material in this episode is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this podcast episode. Instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.

The information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, based on the best judgement available to the speakers, and readers and listeners who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. In addition, the information and opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of every contributor. The Company acknowledges occasional differences in opinion and welcomes the exchange of different viewpoints.

#122 You Don't Need To Do It All with Isabel Sacher

#122 Cover.png

She didn't go running for five years - and started again after joining Perfectionist Rehab. She learned how to say NO to more ideas and more projects and was able to improve her marriage, focus on what truly matters in her life, and now feels pure joy most of the time, because she learned to reconnect with her emotions!

Isabel Sacher is a business coach for creatives and has a podcast herself in German, the Fearless & Forward Podcast. She took Perfectionist Rehab a few months ago and her life has drastically changed since then.


  • How to say NO and stop taking on too much work

  • Why being successful doesn't mean you have to burn yourself out

  • How to have a beautiful relationship with your husband again

  • How to get rid of annoyance and reconnect with your body

  • Why you deserve to be your no. 1 priority

And so much more!


Check-out Perfectionist Rehab
Book a call with me to get all your questions answered about Rehab


Fearless & Forward Podcast

Thank you so much for listening to this episode! I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below! If you can think of anyone in your life who could benefit from this episode, please share it with them right now! <3



The 3 Steps High Achieving Perfectionists Can Take
For A Healthier Work-Life Balance


These Are The 3 Elements Included In The Perfectionist Self-Care Bundle

01 Where Is Your Self-Care At?

With this quick assessment workbook, you will be able to detect where you're at with your self-care and what your next step is to improve the quality time you spend recharging yourself.

02 Why Is Self-Care Important for Perfectionists? And How Do I Start?

Self-care is key for a healthy work-life balance for high achievers. You work a lot and you're easily stressed, right? Get my top 6 tips to kickstart your self-care without feeling overwhelmed. Shift from "doing" to "being" and find peace in your busy life.

03 Full Body Stress-Release Meditation

Stress and overwhelm isn't jut in the mind. It also shows in your cells, your muscle tension, and your hormones. Relaxation start with releasing stress from the physical body. Take a moment to relax every single part of your body to get grounded again.


All material in this episode is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this podcast episode. Instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.

The information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, based on the best judgement available to the speakers, and readers and listeners who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. In addition, the information and opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of every contributor. The Company acknowledges occasional differences in opinion and welcomes the exchange of different viewpoints.

#82 Overcoming Emotional Eating with Kristin Jones


Today, we are talking with Kristin Jones, Coach and author of “When Food Is Your Drug: A Food Addict's Guide To Managing Emotional Eating”. Kristin's passion for helping professional women address and manage issues with emotional eating came from an eating disorder starting in her teens. After recovering and creating a new, healthier relationship with food, she made it her mission to help others do the same.

Kristin now inspires and supports women to love themselves unconditionally, and create an amazing life for themselves through self-love, compassion, and self-care.


  • How a comment from a family member when she was 16 kickstarted her eating disorder

  • Why it’s so important to talk to someone when you struggle with food

  • Her top 3 steps to healing your relationship with food and managing emotional eating

  • How the brain works and the role it plays in emotional eating

And so much more!


Ask Me A Question That I’ll Answer On The Podcast
Glow Camps in Greece and Bali
Her FB Group Breakthrough
Get her book for free (just pay shipping)
FREE 30 minute Transformation Call for a healthier relationship with food



Thank you so much for listening to this episode! I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below! If you can think of anyone in your life who could benefit from this episode, please share it with them right now! <3


The way you live your life has a direct impact on your wellbeing and on how you take care of yourself.

Take this quiz to find out what your wellness habits say about you, and receive personalized wellness tips, so you can:

  • finally take quality time for yourself daily, no matter what

  • feel well rested, energized, and confident in your body every day when your alarm goes off

  • allow yourself to take a break when you’re feeling super overwhelmed with deadlines at work

  • stop people pleasing and finally speak up for yourself and say no to things that just don’t feel good in your heart


All material in this episode is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this podcast episode. Instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.

The information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, based on the best judgement available to the speakers, and readers and listeners who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. In addition, the information and opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of every contributor. The Company acknowledges occasional differences in opinion and welcomes the exchange of different viewpoints.

#53 Clean Eating and Living with Lexi Davidson

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Alexis Davidson is the voice behind Lexi’s Clean Kitchen—the go-to food blog for clean and delicious recipes and overall clean living, that shows readers that living a healthy lifestyle can be simple, fun, and above all satisfying.

After discovering firsthand the healing power of food, Lexi was inspired to create recipes that omit negative health instigators like gluten, grains, dairy, and refined sugars, and she inspires readers to get creative in the kitchen.


  • All things clean eating and clean living

  • How skin care is connected to your gut

  • Why reading the ingredients list is so important

  • How to add more immunity boosting foods into your diet

And so much more!


Her Pantry Shopping List
How to win friends and influence people - by Dale Carnegie
Lexi's Clean Kitchen Cookbook - by Lexi Davidson



Thank you so much for listening to this episode! I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below! If you can think of anyone in your life who could benefit from this episode, please share it with them right now! <3


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Learn how easy it can be to prioritize yourself, feel energized, healthy, and fulfilled from within, and uncover that magical GLOW you already have inside of you!



All material in this episode is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this podcast episode. Instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.

The information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, based on the best judgement available to the speakers, and readers and listeners who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. In addition, the information and opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of every contributor. The Company acknowledges occasional differences in opinion and welcomes the exchange of different viewpoints.

#52 Optimal Health and Living Life Like an Elite Athlete with Dr. Stephen Cabral

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Dr. Stephen Cabral is a Naturopath, Ayurvedic & Functional Medicine Practitioner and Integrative Health Practitioner. He originally got into the health field after seeing over 50 different doctores, trying over 100 treatments and still seeing no hope for his severe health issues at the age of 17. After meeting an "alternative" health doctor who explained him how he got there and how he could get out of it, he began his healing process.

Dr. Stephen Cabral spent the last 20 years working with thousands of clients on their holistic health and fitness and read through countless amounts of studies. He also spent some time oversees learning everything about natural medicine that isn't very well known yet in the Western world.


  • How to achieve optimal health with new habits and simple tests

  • Why we should be living life like elite athletes, with go time and down time

  • How to really deal with stress and overwhelm

  • Why everyone needs to detoxify the body and should use natural skin care and makeup

  • His end of week assessment exercise

And so much more!


Download my free meditations
Dr. Stephen Cabral's online Health Store Equilibrium Nutrition
Environmental Working Group
Success Principles - by Jack Canfield
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind - by Joseph Murphy



Thank you so much for listening to this episode! I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below! If you can think of anyone in your life who could benefit from this episode, please share it with them right now! <3


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Learn how easy it can be to prioritize yourself, feel energized, healthy, and fulfilled from within, and uncover that magical GLOW you already have inside of you!



All material in this episode is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this podcast episode. Instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.

The information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, based on the best judgement available to the speakers, and readers and listeners who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. In addition, the information and opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of every contributor. The Company acknowledges occasional differences in opinion and welcomes the exchange of different viewpoints.

#47 Women's Health & Hormonal Health with Dr. Tabatha Carr

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Dr. Tabatha Carr is a naturopathic doctor and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness, focusing on the extremely powerful and effective tools of natural medicine. She is a leading advocate for women using the power of their mind, body, and spirit together to bring positive changes to their lives.

Dr. Carr specializes in identifying the root causes of a woman’s symptoms and partners with her to address issues, such as weight management, hormonal imbalances, adrenal fatigue, and more, leading to a life of energy, good health, and balance.


  • How hormones impact weight loss

  • Her top tips for a healthy cycle

  • Which foods to stay away from to balance your hormones

  • How our mindset affects our physical health

And so much more!


10% OFF Good Girl Chocolate with the code goodgirlchocolate
The Success Principles - Jack Canfield
Join the Daniel Fast in Tabatha's Facebook Group



Thank you so much for listening to this episode! I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below! If you can think of anyone in your life who could benefit from this episode, please share it with them right now! <3


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Learn how easy it can be to prioritize yourself, feel energized, healthy, and fulfilled from within, and uncover that magical GLOW you already have inside of you!



All material in this episode is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this podcast episode. Instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.

The information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, based on the best judgement available to the speakers, and readers and listeners who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. In addition, the information and opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of every contributor. The Company acknowledges occasional differences in opinion and welcomes the exchange of different viewpoints.