#126 If You Can't See Another 2021 Goals Post

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Let's be honest: 2020 was a tough year and we're ready to move on. But how does it make you feel to hear everyone talk about what they learned and what they're leaving behind? And what they did in each month of the past year?

I get it. We're kind of over it by now, aren't we?

I got really frustrated and triggered when I sat down to reflect on 2020. It felt like I hadn't moved forward in any way.

And I remembered to be compassionate with myself, to be kind with myself. I remembered that I am still OK and still amazing EVEN THOUGH things could have turned out much better.

Listen to this episode if you'd like an inspirational and humbling pep talk to pick yourself up from self-pity or to just fully dive into this new year with clarity and courage like never before!


Sign up for the 2021 New Year's Vision Mini Retreat here




Welcome to the glow life podcast. The one and only place for ambitious, high achieving, and perfectionist women like you who want to leave, overwhelm behind. Turn self doubt into self confidence. And learn to trust yourself again, so that you can work less fully love and accept yourself and live a fulfilled and glowing life. Every week, I'll be giving you tips and inspiration on how to think less, feel more slow down and use your body and your daily habits to help you step up, level up and glow up in all areas of your life. This is not just about the big shifts, you can glow just a little more every single day.

Welcome back to the glow life podcast. My name is Martina Fink. And I am so grateful that you are here today for the first episode of 2021. So first of all, happy new year, I hope you had a great time, celebrating the holidays and some time off and are really energized and already glowing in the new year. Today, I want to talk a lot about this new year thing, because although January 1 was really exciting, and I loved watching everybody's 2020 takeaways and things like that reflections. But at some point, I got really sick and tired of everybody saying 2020 was such a hard year. And, you know, we made it through it and watching everybody's photo reviews from last year, what they have learned what they are leaving behind. And I just feel that it is something everybody's talking about. And by now we're probably over it.

So, I also took some time over the holidays to sit down and look at my goals. I have this goal setting planner that I created for myself initially, and I use it with my clients as well. And I reviewed the goals that I had set for myself a year ago in 10 different areas of my life, including health, relationships, social life, work, all the things that matter in life, really. And I looked at the goals that I had set for myself, and also realize that I did not achieve so many things I wanted to achieve. And I felt really triggered and frustrated for like an entire day.

I haven't followed through in many areas where I wanted to achieve things. And I usually pick three main goals. So the three goals I wanted to achieve in the past year, I did not really move much closer to that if not move completely away from it. And the reason why this happened was because of a couple of different things. Obviously, we went through a pandemic, we're still in a pandemic at the moment. And that does a lot with us, right. And when you have your own business like I do, you are the way you feel has a direct impact on the results in your business. So I got in my way a lot. I was standing in my own way a lot in the past year, I was too comfortable at home on the couch. I slept in almost every day. And I told myself stories, why I cannot work or why I cannot get the things done or focus on the things I really wanted to achieve last year.

And while even saying all of this out loud right now, it is a lot of judgment that I had when I started these realizations. I was really hard on myself, I was like you slept in too much, you're too comfortable at home, you got in your own way. And while I could completely go on this self judgment journey and be really hard and mean to myself, I had to realize that I also get to just have compassion with myself.

And I also get to be kind to myself. And I know that whatever happened last year, I did the best that I could, I could not have done better. I literally could not have done better right with the resources and the information and the energy and the emotions that I had. And I also get to realize that I am still enough. I am still amazing. I am still glowing. Even though I did not achieve many of the things I wanted to achieve and it is 100% okay, if you did not achieve your goals last year, and you are still 100% okay, you're still 100% enough, you are still 100% beautiful, and worthy of an amazing life.

So, if you have been really hard on yourself, with your reflections of the past year, or with how the past year went, just sprinkle in a little bit more love and compassion for yourself, and be kind to yourself. Because what truly matters in the end is how we communicate with ourselves. The stories we tell ourselves, the way we treat ourselves, right? The most important relationship in the entire world is the one that you have with yourself. And so maybe this is an opportunity, an invitation for you to check where your self love is truly.

Now over the holidays, I've also taken so much time to prepare for the new year, I have actually never taken this much time to properly map out everything and desires and, and the things I want to work on in my business as well as my personal life. And one of the things I'm really focusing on for this new year is not so much the things I want to do, but more how I want to feel this year. And this kind of transition has already happened during Christmas during the holidays. Because I have celebrated so much over these past two, three weeks, I even danced with my mom on New Year's Eve, and my dad was watching us because he doesn't like to sing at all. And we had so much fun dancing together, I organized a couple of dance parties with some of my friends. And it has just been beautiful to tap into that energy.

And that's exactly the kind of energy I want you to tap into in the new year as well. Not so much of how can you get this and this done? How can I achieve all my goals? What is the next thing I need to do? Because you are already doing so much like remember that, right? You are already doing so much you already have all these to do lists. We don't need more of those, we need more joy, we need more pleasure, we need more fun in this new year. Because guess what, we still don't know what's gonna happen in three months, right?

So, we have been prepared for this time of uncertainty. And now that we have gone through the 2020 experience, now we know what it's like. And now we can practice being present with ourselves and have fun with ourselves. And know that you get to be yourself, you get to have fun, and you can dance even when the world is on fire. What matters is that you are in the present moment. Because this is where we can find true peace in the present moment. No matter how long your to do list is no matter how big the goals are you want to achieve in this new year, you get to be present with yourself, you get to find joy, you get to dance to your favorite song, or to a song you have never heard before, or to a song that isn't even your music style, you get to explore that. And the more we can feel this energy, the more we can raise our own vibrations, we are going to attract more of the things that we want. And we're also going to attract the kind of people we want to have in our lives this year as well.

That being said, I am hosting an online mini retreat to help you set your intentions and visions for the new year. So if you have been feeling frustrated, just like me, in December, or even maybe still are because you didn't prioritize your goals, or you haven't achieved your goals the way you wanted them to. Maybe you're struggling to dream big, because we really don't know what's gonna happen, right? Maybe you're struggling to even have any goals at all for this new year. And you're just like, you know, I just don't want to set any goals at all. And that's also completely fine. But I still think it is interesting and important to have some sort of direction where you want to go this year, goals or dreams with a plan.

So, I think it's extremely important in this time where we don't know what will happen. Not we don't lose sight of our dreams, even if they are, quote unquote, too big for right now, even if they are not going to happen this year at all. Who knows, we never know. So start dreaming, start planning and start doing take action on the things you want to achieve. So I wanted to quickly give you a brief overview of what we're working on in this mini retreat. First off, we're going to start with intentions and with a celebration party. We're actually going to dance together, and that's something that has been, like I just mentioned before, a really important part of my life in the past year. And I don't think we get to actually celebrate ourselves enough. And even if there is absolutely nothing to celebrate, we'll still get to dance together and just swim in this beautiful energy of connected women from around the world that just want to feel really good and glowing.

So we're starting with that. And then there is a lot of time to actually brainstorm and plan and prioritize what are your main focuses for this new year. And maybe you are already have a couple of goals that you want to work on. But we go a little deeper into the 10 areas of your life that you can set goals for, we're going to prioritize what are the top three most important ones? And why are they so important to you. Because if you just have a goal or a dream, and you're not really sure why you want to achieve it, you won't follow through, the dream won't make it to the end of the year, right. So that's super key.

And then I'm going to guide us through some practices, including a powerful visualization where you visualize what you're going to cultivate and create in this new year. And also, I'll be giving you some journaling prompts in the workshop where you are going to get more clarity. And you will get your own guidance for how you can make this the best year because I could go on and on about all the amazing things you can do. I could give you all the tips and the manifestation hacks and everything. It might not work for you because it's not your own guidance.

So, we're really diving into your own intuition in this workshop. And there will be time for sharing and coaching, where you can ask me questions where you can ask for support where you can also just share your vision, and the beautiful dreams that you have in your life. Because sometimes let's be honest, we have dreams that we don't dare say out loud. And we have dreams that we don't talk about with our friends, right? Because you might think that they are going to say that you're crazy, or that it's never going to happen. And maybe that has happened in the past. This is a space where you can come in and share anything that's on your heart, any dream, any plan, any idea, any intention that you truly desire to cultivate and create in your life. And it's a safe space, and we're not going to judge you, we're actually going to celebrate you for that. So this is something that you want to join.

The mini retreat is happening on January 23. I will put the link in the show notes to get direct access to the page where you can sign up. Plus you can also just go to my website, Martina Fink comm and find the details there. I would love to see you there. I would love to support you with some new visions for the new year. And remember, if you lose focus, all you can do is just refocus. It's not the end of the world, we get to reassess where we want to focus on. So head to the show notes or to the link on my website. And I would love to see you there. And if there's anybody in your life that needs to hear this compassion, pep talk about how 2020 was and how we dive into this new year, then please send this podcast episode to them right now.

Thank you so much for being here today.

Please take some time to rest to be with yourself, to plan to party to dance and to just glow from within.

Because you deserve to be healthy, confident empowered, and beautiful.


Thank you so much for listening to this episode! I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below! If you can think of anyone in your life who could benefit from this episode, please share it with them right now! <3



The 3 Steps High Achieving Perfectionists Can Take
For A Healthier Work-Life Balance


These Are The 3 Elements Included In The Perfectionist Self-Care Bundle

01 Where Is Your Self-Care At?

With this quick assessment workbook, you will be able to detect where you're at with your self-care and what your next step is to improve the quality time you spend recharging yourself.

02 Why Is Self-Care Important for Perfectionists? And How Do I Start?

Self-care is key for a healthy work-life balance for high achievers. You work a lot and you're easily stressed, right? Get my top 6 tips to kickstart your self-care without feeling overwhelmed. Shift from "doing" to "being" and find peace in your busy life.

03 Full Body Stress-Release Meditation

Stress and overwhelm isn't jut in the mind. It also shows in your cells, your muscle tension, and your hormones. Relaxation start with releasing stress from the physical body. Take a moment to relax every single part of your body to get grounded again.


All material in this episode is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this podcast episode. Instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.

The information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, based on the best judgement available to the speakers, and readers and listeners who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. In addition, the information and opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of every contributor. The Company acknowledges occasional differences in opinion and welcomes the exchange of different viewpoints.