Is Social Anxiety Holding You Back?


Being in a group of people isn't for everyone. In fact, whenever I can, I avoid meeting new people, because I am an introvert and love my peace and quiet (can you feel the #boundaries lol). Small talk is not just something that I don't enjoy, it makes me deeply uncomfortable when people ask me who I am and what I do. Like I just want to hide in the bathroom for as long as I can!

Does this resonates with you?

Introverts are often shy and quiet, and also great observers who like to analyze the situation first, before they jump in and take action.

I 100% get that, and if that's you, know that you are absolutely not alone! And there is absolutely nothing wrong with you.

The first time I joined a group coaching program in 2016, I really had to take the plunge. I was scared to be seen, worried about what others would think of me, and afraid I would say or do “something wrong”. Prior to being ready to be part of a group, I had already worked with a coach 1:1 for about a year, who really helped me heal some social anxiety trauma from the past. She had helped me with my self-worth, helped me understand what was really going on inside of me, and then express it when needed.

Are you afraid of being in a group?

Maybe thinking about being part of a group with other women terrifies you (like our program Turn Your Glow On, for which enrollment just closed).

And at the same time, maybe you're also ready to start taking action towards your glow life. Start reducing (or even removing) the stress levels in your life. Learn to be nicer to yourself and support yourself instead of being frustrated with yourself when you don't achieve what you wanted. Start making self-care a priority - like for real, not just once a week.

Here's a secret about #theglowlife: it's not about the destination. It's about the journey.

It starts with glowing up where you are right now. It's not there, it's here. You can find ways to improve your life, feel more self-confident, and be more at ease with being in social settings now. It doesn't have to be something that’s far out in the future if you’re ready to tackle social anxiety (trust me, it’s worth it!).

How to tackle social anxiety right away

It is my goal to help 35 women sustainably glow up their lives in 2022, and besides group coaching, I've been supporting women 1:1 for years. If working with a coach 1:1 is something that you are considering, click below to learn more


3 Tips for Busy Perfectionist Women who are Ready to Remove Overwhelm and Stress


I created a free self-care guide if you’re someone who always puts everyone else - especially work! - first and needs some tips for perfectionists to slow down again! Click the button below to download your self-care guide for free: