Simplify Self-Care and Quit Overwhelm: The 4 Essential Steps


In a world that never seems to slow down, where our to-do lists grow longer, and our minds become more and more chaotic every day, self-care often takes a backseat. We find ourselves mentally overwhelmed, physically exhausted, and emotionally disconnected from ourselves. But what if there was a simple way to reclaim our well-being, get our physical energy back, cut through the noise of all the things you are supposed to be doing for yourself, and find peace within ourselves? I’m sharing the four steps with you to simplify self-care and quit overwhelm for good: Rest, Move, Nourish, and Glow.

Step #1: Rest, take breaks, and slow down to recharge

Picture this: it's late at night, and instead of drifting peacefully into slumber, your mind is a whirlwind of thoughts. You're mentally drafting tomorrow's to-do list, worrying about unfinished tasks, and feeling guilty for even considering taking a break… You feel exhausted.

Does this sound familiar? It's time to rewrite the script. Rest isn't just a luxury; it's a necessity for our physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being. So, let's do this better, and let’s prioritize rest. Here are some ideas:

  • Create a bedtime routine that helps signal to your body that it's time to unwind.

  • Practice mindfulness or meditation to quiet the racing thoughts.

  • Write down your thoughts or worries on a piece of paper, so it’s out of your mind.

  • Put your phone away at least 1hr before you go to bed and leave it outside of your bedroom.

  • Take breaks throughout the day without feeling guilty about it, knowing that they are essential for productivity and creativity.

By embracing rest, you'll find yourself more energized, focused, and at peace, and you can eventually get more work done while also taking good care of yourself and your body.

Step #2: Move your energy for emotional peace

Our bodies are designed to move, yet many of us find ourselves chained to desks or sedentary lifestyles. The idea of going to the gym after a long day at work can seem overwhelming, but movement doesn't have to be a chore. It's time to shift our perspective and make movement a joyful part of our daily lives. How can we release stuck energy and emotions? How can we make movement fun and accessible, even with a busy schedule? It's time to move. Here are some ideas for activities that help you move and bring you joy:

  • Stretch your body as you wake up in the morning.

  • Do a short at-home yoga or workout.

  • Go to a dance class, or even simpler, dance to 2-3 of your favorite songs.

  • Take a short walk outside.

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Incorporating movement into your day in small, manageable ways will not only improve your physical health and your metabolism, but also boost your mood and reduce stress overall. Do something consistently for one week and I promise, you will notice the difference.

Step #3: Nourish your body and refill your batteries

For perfectionists like you, eating healthy (and self-care overall) can often feel like just another thing on your to-do list, something you want to perfectly do every day and stick to your organized meal plan. But true nourishment is deeply personal and requires an understanding of our own body’s unique needs. It's time to let go of rigid rules, diets, and strict meal plans, and embrace a more intuitive approach to eating.

  • Eat foods that make you feel vibrant and energized.

  • Dring more water.

  • Reduce your sugar intake.

  • Observe your cravings.

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds.

  • Stop restricting yourself of certain foods out of fear of gaining weight.

  • Don’t punish yourself for what you eat or force yourself to eat what you “should be eating” instead.

  • Practice slow and mindful eating, savoring each bite.

It’s time to explore your relationship with food, paying attention to how different foods make you feel, and the energy the food gives you, since what you eat becomes your body. Shifting your relationship with food from fear of losing weight or looking a certain way to where you eat from a place of love for yourself, your body, and your health.

Step #4: Glow up your beauty inside and out

Finally, true self-care isn't just about looking great. It's about cultivating a deeper relationship with ourselves. It's about finding joy in the midst of busy times, fully embracing our imperfections, and learning to love ourselves the way we are - even when we leave work unfinished, and aren’t always happy with how things turn out. So, forget the notion that you need a wardrobe makeover or a new skincare routine to feel confident (although these things can help your glowup, too!). What you truly need is a better relationship with yourself. Here are a few questions you can ask yourself:

  • What brings you joy?

  • What steals your joy?

  • What did you love doing as a child?

  • What makes you really happy?

Let’s explore this concept of the glow. Take the time to connect with yourself on a deeper level, whether through journaling, creative expression like art or dancing, or simply spending time doing things you love, such as baking, playing the piano, or writing poems. Practice self-compassion and kindness, treating yourself with the same care and understanding you would offer to a loved one. As you practice play and find more joy in your everyday life, you will radiate more confidence and your glow will radiate out to others.

In conclusion, self-care doesn't have to be complicated or overwhelming. It gets to be really simple. By following these four simple steps—Rest, Move, Nourish, and Glow—you can simplify your self-care routine and get your energy back, so you can be more productive at work and feel a sense of fulfillment with life overall.

So, take a deep breath, let go of perfectionism, and embark on this simple yet powerful journey of self-care and self-love. You deserve it.

In my coaching, I take my clients through the exact process to help them quit overwhelm and get their glow back. Click below to learn more:


Making time for you is so possible, even with a full calendar, and an unfinished to-do list!

Use the strategies I've taught my clients on how to find balance in work and life as a high-achieving woman. Click below to get it: