Already Given Up on Your New Year’s Intentions? Follow These 3 Steps to Get Back on Track

Goal Setting Martina Fink

While I’m sitting at the pool in the middle of the jungle in Bali, I had to think of something that I shared with my clients in our workshop last month:

Did you know that 92% of New Year's goals fail by January 15th?

That was just last week. This means that most people have already thrown their New Year’s intentions over board. If that’s you, here’s how to readjust your goals to make sure you can create your dreamy glow life this year:

1 - Make Your New Year’s Goals Exciting

Go over your goals and make sure you find them exciting! Don’t work on things you feel like you “have to”, because others tell you to, or you force yourself, because you want to please others or receive validation from someone.

Here’s an example: if you want to feel better in your body, look leaner, and have more energy, do it, because YOU want this, not because some beauty standard says you should weigh x kg/lb with your height, or because you want your partner to compliment you.

2 - Take Small Steps Towards Your New Year’s Goals

Make the action steps so small you can actually achieve them consistently, get first results, and celebrate the small successes.

Here’s an example: If you want to get into a habit of moving your body, don’t go from not moving at all to expecting yourself to work out 5 times a week. Start with simple steps like booking a class a week, or make it a commitment to move your body for 20mins a day including walks.

3 - Set Your Goals With The S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting Method

It’s not just enough to say “I want to be healthier this year”. Your brain doesn’t know how to do that and needs clearer guidance as to where to start, how to keep going, and how to know when you have achieved your goals.

A method I have been using for myself and my clients for years is the S.M.A.R.T goals method. It helps you set goals that you can easily track and achieve without feeling overwhelmed or like you can’t ever get to where you want to. Here’s the secret formula for you:

S: specific
M: measurable
A: attainable
R: relevant
T: timely

Here’s an example: “just working out more” isn’t a S.M.A.R.T. goal. Make it specific. Make sure you can measure it, so you actually know when you can tick it off, make it attainable, choose a relevant goal, and set a time frame to it.

Here’s what’s important for you to remember: These are your goals. You can always adjust them as you wish. You can always make them bigger once you have achieved the first few steps. You can always expect more of yourself.

But we really want to first make sure you set yourself up to win. You want to be on your own team, cheer yourself on, and celebrate your first successes - without feeling overwhelmed.

What if this year became the healthiest year of your life yet? It is 100% possible when you set your goals in the right way. I’d love to support you to a healthy and full life this year. You so deserve to live your best life.

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Making time for you is so possible, even with a full calendar, and an unfinished to-do list!

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