Why the Countdown to Achieving Your Goals Shouldn't Stress You Out


The Pressure of Year-End Goal Setting

Every year, as the calendar gets closer to December 31, social media fills with countdowns of how many days are left to achieve our goals. It's a trend that many have embraced, but I can't help but feel it adds unnecessary pressure, especially for high-achieving individuals like you. The incessant calls to "hustle" and "work hard" to meet your goals before the year's end can often feel overwhelming. In this blog post, I'd like to explain why this trend doesn't sit well with me.

Challenging the December 31 Deadline

What's the big deal about December 31, anyway? The truth is, nothing significant magically happens on January 1 that can't happen any other day of the year. Whether there are 77 days left or just one, the key is to start working towards your goals now – right after reading this email. The countdown should not be about pressure; it should be about desire, ease, and flow. The joy of achieving your goals should be your focus, not the rush to meet a deadline.

Embracing the Present Moment

One fundamental truth we often forget is that the present moment is all we have to make a change. Instead of getting caught up in the frenzy of end-of-year goals, consider the following steps:

  1. If you have a goal that truly matters to you, start working on it today. Take the first step, even if it's as simple as blocking out time in your calendar to begin.

  2. If you haven't taken any steps toward a particular goal, it might be worth letting it go. Perhaps it isn't as important as you thought, or the motivation behind it is misplaced.

Shifting Your Beliefs and Mindset

If these year-end countdowns leave you feeling pressured to "work hard" and "hustle" just to check something off a list, it's worth considering a shift in your beliefs and mindset. You can begin by:

  • Reevaluating your view of hard work and whether it aligns with your true values.

  • Letting go of the need for perfectionism and control.

  • Learning to love and accept yourself, including your flaws.

  • Creating a lifestyle in which you trust yourself to naturally achieve your goals because it feels right, not forced.

The Glow Camp - A Transformative Opportunity

In April 2024, I'm excited to offer a unique opportunity called The Glow Camp. It's an exclusive retreat for a small group of no more than 10 women, set in a private luxury beach villa in Thailand. This experience is designed for a deep-dive into transformative self-care, focusing on sustainable personal growth, specifically if you consider yourself a perfectionist.

At The Glow Camp, we'll disrupt your busy lifestyle, prioritize rest, and engage in daily activities like meditation, journaling, and movement. You'll have five days to focus on self-love and self-care and your health holistically, making time for the things that often get neglected in the hustle and bustle of daily life.

More importantly, you'll learn how to simply be. It's an experience that can change your life and equip you with skills that will serve you forever.

If you're interested in finding out more about The Glow Camp and how it can help you release the pressure, hustle, and perfectionism, don't overthink it.

Remember, the journey to your goals should be filled with joy and ease. You don't need a countdown to make progress; you need the right mindset and self-care.


Making time for you is so possible, even with a full calendar, and an unfinished to-do list!

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