Why Vision Boards Don't Work

First off, I would like to say that I love vision boards! I remember the first one I ever made in 2008 and so many things have come true since then! But the reason why these things came true isn’t because I made a vision board - it’s because of the consistent work that followed after creating it.

Why vision boards don’t work for most people

This is what most people get wrong about vision boards: they think just by creating a beautiful collage, the things they dream of are going to fall into place. It doesn’t matter if you have a career goal, want to buy a house, start your own dream business, travel the world, be in a relationship, feel stress free with no to do list, have meaningful friendships, or be in your best and healthiest shape. Maybe you watched the movie „The Secret“ and remember how a guy manifests an elephant into the room. Unfortunately, that’s not exactly how visions and manifestation works.

A vision is a seed that you plant

One of the things I have learned in my life with parents who have a huge garden (and as a result of their passion, I have a garden myself), is that it’s important to plant the seed first. So if you have a vision, you need to plant that seed first. And a vision board can be a beautiful soil for that seed to be planted in.

However, what happens after is key. If you plant carrot seeds, and then go on vacation for a few months, and think when you come back, your seeds have turned into a delicious carrot harvest, you’re wrong.

Gardening requires consistent care and attention. You need to water the seeds. When it starts sprouting, you need to keep watering. On hot and sunny days, you need to keep watering. When the temperature goes below 0 degrees Celsius, you need to cover them. If there’s weeds everywhere, you need to dig it out to make sure your plant can prosper.

What to do when you forget the goals you set

Most people plant seeds - aka create the vision board or their new year’s resolutions - and then forget about them. Their boards land in a corner in a dark room and collect dust. The journal with the vision is somewhere under a stack of books you never read… Out of sight, out of mind. And as a result of that, your vision never has an opportunity to come to life, because you’re not fostering your visions. And let’s just say that this is frustrating, discouraging, and disappointing. And I want to help you not fall into the same pattern this time!

Don’t let fears get in the way of living your dream glow life!

Let’s talk about the weeds more! Weeds in your garden take away the nutrients your plant needs to prosper. Weeds in your visions can look something like:

  • People who doubt you and make you believe your vision is crazy, stupid, or impossible

  • Fears that come up around why you can’t or shouldn’t have this vision for your (glow) life

  • Distractions, such as work, new projects, endless to do lists

  • Social and informational overwhelm, such as social media, the news, gossip, too many meetings, etc.

5 steps for your glow life visions to become reality

I think you get the gist. So, beautiful, glowing soul with big dreams, here’s what I want you to remember forever:

  1. Plant the seed for your vision - or it will never grow. This means: write the vision down.

  2. Water your little plant - or it will die. This means: connect with your vision continuously and take inspired action.

  3. Dig out the weeds - or it will take over your vision. This means: Get rid of limiting beliefs around your vision and remove distractions.

  4. Have faith, you don’t need to control your seed. It knows what it’s doing. This is a law of nature. This means: Don’t micromanage every aspect of your vision, trust that it will fall into place at the right time for you. Believe in yourself and believe in your vision. Remember why you had it in the first place.

  5. Let it flourish and harvest. This means: if you consistently repeat steps 2-4, you WILL see a harvest and your vision become reality.

If you only take step 1 - like most people do in January - and miss out on steps 2-4 - like most people do from February to November - your vision will remain a beautiful picture on your vision board collecting dust. If you confidently take steps 1-4, step 5 is inevitable!!

Do better in 2022: Don't let your dreams be forgotten!

If now you’re super excited about creating a new (and better) vision for 2022, but are feeling insecure about how to go through steps 2-4, you will want to consider the different options of working together. Click below to get details:


3 Tips for High Achieving Perfectionists Who Are Ready to Remove Overwhelm and Work Less


I created a free self-care guide if you’re someone who always puts everyone else - especially work! - first and needs some tips for perfectionists to slow down again! Click the button below to download your self-care guide for free: