Do This and Be 95% More Likely to Hit Your Goals


Are you in goal setting mode for 2022 yet? This time of the year is the perfect time to reflect on the last year and start setting your intentions for the next. For some of us, goal setting is a huge deal. How else do you measure how successful your year has been if you don't have the metrics in place to begin with? Did you know that Harvard found that 83% of people don't set goals at all? As someone who loves vision boards and daydreaming, this is really hard to understand ;) Maybe these 83% worry about not achieving their goals and that's why they don't even set goals? Of course no one wants to set themselves up for failure. So let's look at some statistics around how we can take proactive, efficient, and doable steps forward, so your glow life can become more real.

How to set goals that actually work

Goal setting is a balancing dance between setting realistic and achievable goals and setting goals that will challenge you to stretch beyond your comfort zone (that's where all the good stuff aka miracles really happens!). So when you're sitting down to plan your 2022, consider these statistics to set yourself up to succeed:

  • 92% of New Years goals fail by January 15th

  • Only 3 out of every 100 adults write down their goals on paper

  • The 3% with written goals are 3 times more successful than the 14% with unwritten goals

  • Your chances of completing a goal increase to 40% if you assign a date by which you’ll complete that goal

  • the probability of completing any goal increases by 50% if you create an action plan

  • if you have a specific accountability appointment to check in on the status of your progress the probability of meeting your goal increases by 95%!

  • 8% of people are successful in achieving their resolution

  • 49% have infrequent success

So what’s the no. 1 thing you need to do?

Write your goals down!

The most common roadblock to achieving your goals: time

What might stop you from achieving your goals? "I don't have time" is probably the biggest "excuse" I hear from most people. You don't have time

to meditate
to cook healthy meals
to take a break
to go to bed earlier
to go to the gym
to journal
to read
to take some time for yourself first thing in the morning...

The truth is that we all have the exact same amount of time. Every single human being on this planet has 24 hours a day. The question is: How do you spend your time? Until a few years ago, I never had time for anything in the list above. And this list above is actually critical, so you can make time to focus on your bigger goals and dreams.

My tip for you is this: before you do anything else, and anything for anyone, do something for yourself. Even if it's as short as 5 minutes. Checkin with your goals regularly.

Next time you catch yourself saying "I don't have time for X!", remind yourself that you actually do. 24 hours every day. Make sure you carve out some of it to reconnect with your deeper desires you have for your (glow) life that go beyond your commitment to your job.

The best affirmation to make your goals happen

I always have time for what matters to me.
I always have time for what matters to me.
I always have time for what matters to me.

The simplest way to a powerful 2022 vision

I support women 1:1 as well as in groups to help them not only create visions, but also help them stay accountable and consistently move forward with their goals, despite perfectionism and overwhelm. Working together will help you

  • write the vision down, so you can belong to the 3% of people who actually do!

  • create an action plan, which will raise your probability to reach your goals by 50%!

  • have you stay accountable, so that you're 95% more likely to actually follow through!

You can find all the details below:


3 Tips for High Achieving Perfectionists Who Are Ready to Remove Overwhelm and Work Less


I created a free self-care guide if you’re someone who always puts everyone else - especially work! - first and needs some tips for perfectionists to slow down again! Click the button below to download your self-care guide for free: