FEATURED GLOW GIRL Medical Doctor, Yoga Teacher and Ayurveda Expert Janna Scharfenberg

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I first met Janna at a health conference when she gave a presentation about sugar - that really opened my eyes! I couldn't believe I didn't know all these important things about sugar!

She also interviewed me on her podcast earlier this year, which you can listen to here (it's in German) AND she will be on my podcast next month as well, which I am really excited about!

So, here are the questions I asked Janna!

What is your title?

Medical Doctor, Yoga Teacher, and Ayurveda Expert

What is your business all about?

I support you on your journey to living a healthy, vibrant life through holistic medicine, ayurveda and yoga. Furthermore, I am dedicated to educate yoga teachers in anatomy, ayurveda and health.

What inspired you do to what you're doing? WHY are you doing this?

Health is THE most important thing in our life, but most people know so little about how to simply stay healthy with joy. I want to inspire you how to take good care of yourself and live to your fullest.  Regarding yoga teachers: they are doing such great work und are such great indicators on teaching their students all about wellbeing. This is why I want to support them to know more about health, so that they can spread this important message.

What does living a glowing life mean to you?

Living up to your own standards and dreams, not those of society or somebody else’s opinion. Enjoying life, creating the life you are dreaming of and simply have fun :)

What advice do you have for my readers about living a glowing life?

Get into your own power! You are the creator of your life, your joy and wellbeing!

What 3 things are you most grateful for right now?

  1. My wonderful family

  2. My healthy & happy baby girl

  3. Living the life I live with a great job and a mission and so many wonderful people in it

What mantra do you live by?

"Don’t take yourself too seriously!"

What would you tell someone who wants more from life, but still has lots of fears standing in the way?

JUST DO IT. If you are not trying, the outcome will always be a "no".

What podcasts are you listening to?

The Glow Life Podcast ;)
James Wedmore: Mind your Business
Lewis Howes: The School of Greatness
and a few german ones

What does your morning routine look like?

Getting up, taking a few deep breaths, kissing and cuddling my baby, doing a few ayurvedic cleansing rituals (oil pulling, tongue scraping, hot water) and practicing a few yoga asanas.
It is not always working out like this due to my little one, but one or the other ritual can always fit in somewhere.

What is your favorite self-care activity you NEVER skip?

Meditating a couple of minutes. Taking a few deep breaths. Being grateful.

This or That?

Drink: Coffee
Travel: Adventure
Skin Care: Toner / Serum


Website: www.in-good-health.com
Instagram: @in_good_health