How to Stop Cheating on Yourself with Your Self-Care Practice

Let’s talk about self-trust

A super important quality to have if you want to leave self-doubt behind and live a truly fulfilled life. 💡 yeah, it’s not the daily yoga or zen meditation session that makes your life fulfilled.⁣

„I will meditate tomorrow“ - then you don’t do it.⁣
„I will make my bed after breakfast“ - then you forget.⁣
„I will no longer say yes all the time and finally set boundaries with my boss.“ - then you end up saying yes anyway, because you’re scared to speak up for yourself. ⁣

The result of this behavior: You no longer trust yourself.⁣

You no longer trust that what you say will actually happen.⁣ And you get lost. ⁣

Lost in self-sabotage. ⁣
Lost in self-betrayal. ⁣
Lost in yourself.⁣

It’s easier to cancel than to stick to what you actually need the most

The last few weeks, I’ve been working a lot on this. ⁣I made my bed every morning. No exceptions.⁣ I didn’t skip that yoga class I aaaaaalmost wanted to cancel. ⁣I didn’t cancel my singing lesson that I was soooo close to canceling, because of all the work that’s on my plate right now. And I had already pre-written the message to my teacher 😂 then deleted it, when I realized I had set a goal for myself this year: to spend more time having fun and enjoying and truly experiencing life. ⁣

Sticking to your commitments now

In order to get closer to that goal, I have to stick to my own commitments. ⁣

NOW. ⁣

Not next month. ⁣
Or next year. ⁣


Because transformation happens now. In the present moment, the only moment we really have.⁣

In order to achieve your goals and realize the visions on your vision board (if you have made one), you first have to learn to trust yourself. ⁣I have to follow through with the commitments I make for myself. Believe that I have intentions and set goals for myself for a reason. Because I want it. 🤩⁣

You have a choice

And everything I decide or do either brings me closer to this goal - or further away from it - I choose. 100% of the times.⁣

So, lovely, learn to trust yourself again.

It will change your life, I promise! What is 1 thing you keep betraying yourself about? Take a moment and reflect on that!

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3 Tips for High Achieving Perfectionists Who Are Ready to Remove Overwhelm and Work Less


I created a free self-care guide if you’re someone who always puts everyone else - especially work! - first and needs some tips for perfectionists to slow down again! Click the button below to download your self-care guide for free: