
Alignment vs. Achievement: 4 Secrets to Prevent End-of-Year Burnout in 2022

Alignment vs. Achievement: 4 Secrets to Prevent End-of-Year Burnout in 2022

At the Glow Company, we don't want to "finish the year strong". We want to finish the year aligned. We want to finish the year feeling at peace. We want to finish the year feeling harmonious within ourselves, in our lives, in our environment, in our relationships.

Don't Wait for 2023 to Set New Goals

Don't Wait for 2023 to Set New Goals

I recently heard someone say "I'm so ready for this year to be over and to start fresh in 2023!". I frowned and asked why. She said how bad this year was for her and how she needed a clean slate. While I can understand that there are seasons that are more challenging than others, a New Year is just a mind game.

Quit Perfectionism in 2022 and Create a Peaceful Life

Quit Perfectionism in 2022 and Create a Peaceful Life

Let's face it: perfectionism is keeping you stuck in so many ways. And it probably has been for years, if not decades. It makes you work extra hours every day, because you just can't finish that project without it being 100% perfect. It makes you spend every free minute taking care of your friend's needs, your parents' desires, and everyone else who may need your help. You feel exhausted and tired, because you can't switch of your mind at night and often don't wakeup well-rested.

How to Avoid Overwhelm and Fully Enjoy This Holiday Season

How to Avoid Overwhelm and Fully Enjoy This Holiday Season

It's crazy times, and it has never been easier for us to escape into a Netflix binge-watch or an hour-long scrolling through social media to escape the reality. While I don't believe that there is a "right" or "wrong" here, and I absolutely believe in a mindful Christmas movie marathon (have you watched Single All The Way yet?), it is all about finding the balance.

4 Healthy Ways to Deal with Your Emotions

4 Healthy Ways to Deal with Your Emotions

Emotions are real and it is healthy to feel them. Pushing your emotions away or avoiding your feelings will turn you either into a numb robot or put you on an emotional rollercoaster.

The secret: it is not your job to control them.

Especially in times like now, that don't seem to ever end and get better, many of us are struggling with the unexpected and daily changing situations worldwide - me included. So I've put together 3 tips that I use all the time help me navigate emotions in a healthy way.

You Only Live Once (+ Why This Impacts Your Glow)

You Only Live Once (+ Why This Impacts Your Glow)

YOLO. You Only Live Once.

While many people use this acronym to "justify" going to parties every possible day, getting drunk, smoking, doing drugs or other toxic things, I see this a little differently:

I believe that since we only live once, it's even more important to live the best and happiest life we can. #theglowlife

Being healthy, feeling well-rested daily, doing meaningful work that makes a difference in this world, surrounding yourself with people you're obsessed with and can talk to about deep life stuff for hours is a blessing.

I personally want to live a happy life as long as I possibly can! What about you?

How to Make Affirmations Work for You

How to Make Affirmations Work for You

"I am creating the life of my dreams."

What a powerful statement, right? If you said that statement out loud, would it be true? Would you feel excited? The fascinating thing about affirmations, other than the fact that they truly work, is that they only work if you believe that they work. Your energy about them matters, your feelings about them matters, your internal voice matters, and your subconscious belief patterns matter.

3 Tips to Handle Post-COVID Overwhelm

3 Tips to Handle Post-COVID Overwhelm

Although many countries are opening up, and some activities are returning to a "new normal," many of my clients, however, have been feeling quite socially overwhelmed. There is so much to catch up on, so many friends to reconnect with and so many functions to attend (in-person!). They have been saying YES to everything, and then feeling over-committed and resentful of the pile that is building up for them.

Introverts, listen up!

Loving Yourself (for real!) as a Perfectionist

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...means showing up to the f*ing mat when all you want to do is eat chips and watch Netflix.⁣

...means doing the damn heart opening meditation when you just want to close your heart and crawl up in bed and cry.⁣

...means writing in your freaking journal that you just want to throw out the window.⁣

What's the difference between self-care and self-love?

Self-care on the good says is just kind pampering. Face masks, bubble baths, lighting a candle, reading a book... It feels nice and you really love it. You practice something regularly, you strengthen a muscle, so that when things don’t always go right, you know you have the strength to get through it. You know you can rely on yourself.⁣

Self-love is practicing self-care when you really don't want to

Practicing self-care on the hard days is true self-love.⁣ You do it when you really don't want to. You do it when you just want to throw in the towel and walk away. You do it when all you want to do is hide under the covers and cry and sleep. Showing up with kindness, compassion, and love for yourself in these moments, you have figured out a bit part of what I call "the Glow Life".

It may require a bit of a loving kick in the butt from your higher self sometimes, and you may really want to do the opposite of it, but when you have reached the point where, in your darkest moments, you take care of yourself in a loving way, that's what true self-love is.

⁣Love yourself enough to show up for yourself when you need yourself the most.



3 Tips for High Achieving Perfectionists Who Are Ready to Remove Overwhelm and Work Less


I created a free self-care guide if you’re someone who always puts everyone else - especially work! - first and needs some tips for perfectionists to slow down again! Click the button below to download your self-care guide for free:

How to Set Better Boundaries as a People Pleaser (Includes Journaling Exercise!)

How to Set Better Boundaries as a People Pleaser (Includes Journaling Exercise!)

Yes, you can definitely set boundaries while improving your relationships as well as having more time left for yourself. Taking care of your own needs is your duty. When you're filled up, you can serve others so much better. When you're filled up, you can show up for your loved ones with 100% of your energy, love, and time. Whereas when you're already burned out, your plate is overflowing, and you're running at 7% of your own batteries, you can only show up for them from that place.

16 Empowering Reminders to Manifest Your Glow Life

16 Empowering Reminders to Manifest Your Glow Life

Hi beautiful! Here are some beautiful and simple glow life reminders for you to remember that you are beautiful, that your life is in your own hands, and that you are free to create the (glow) life of your dreams!

Your Innate Ability to Create a Magical Life

Your Innate Ability to Create a Magical Life

I have a very special client, Sophie. Sophie is 7, and we meet once a week to work on mindfulness, gratitude, and self-confidence. The other day, as we were playing with my Tibetan singing bowl, she found my purple, glittery magic wand from my childhood. She invented this game where we had to close our eyes and I would say what I wished for in my life. Then she would say "abracadabra simsalabim" and play the singing bowl. Then it was her turn. She always said I had MORE wishes I could make, which, of course, I loved!

7 Indicators That You Are Healthy

7 Indicators That You Are Healthy

Most people think that health is a very complicated topic and we need all kinds of lab tests and doctors visits to find out if we are healthy or not. While lab tests are great, there are some super simple indicators to tell how healthy your body is - without having to go to the doctor (unless you experience severe health issues, then please consult your doctor).

Getting Ready to Be a Mom

Getting Ready to Be a Mom

Today is Mother's Day, and I want to talk to you about something that I haven't openly talked about yet in my community: motherhood. While 90% of my close friends are already mothers, I currently couldn't be much further away from motherhood than I am right now.

I thought by age 30, I would be happily married.

Alarms on Sundays: Do or Don't?

Alarms on Sundays: Do or Don't?

Happy Sunday, beautiful! Let me guess: you set an alarm to wakeup this morning, so you wouldn't waste your time sleeping and resting - because you have so much to do, finish, and accomplish today. And maybe, today was an exception and you didn't set an alarm :) But I've found that 90% of my perfectionist clients wakeup with an alarm on Sundays (and of course Saturdays, too!), because there's just so much to do.

How to Get a Promotion at Work

How to Get a Promotion at Work

The results my clients have been getting in the past few months blow my mind! Here are some related to their high-demanding careers: Promotions at work, pay raise at work, invite to join diversity & inclusion team, courage to speak up at work and ask for what they want, express their concerns and opinions at work without fear (and many other life-related things, such as candle-light dinners and date nights with their partner, better sleep, dancing and playing the piano etc.!)