healthy food

The 5 Stages of Change: How to Know if You're Ready for Lifestyle Changes

The 5 Stages of Change: How to Know if You're Ready for Lifestyle Changes

The Transtheoretical Model of Change (or 5 Stages of Change) is a model in psychology that helps you identify whether or not you're ready for a change in your life. Just wanting something doesn’t necessarily mean somebody is actually ready to take the action necessary for the change to unfold in their life. In this blog post, I'm explaining the five stages of change, hoping that it will help you identify where you’re at with the change you’ve been dreaming about.

The First Step to Finding Fulfillment in Life and Career

The First Step to Finding Fulfillment in Life and Career

Who doesn't desire a fulfilled life, one with meaning and purpose, where you can only be the best version of yourself, impact people, and make a difference in this world? Where your work “makes sense”, and you see a direct result of the hard work you’re putting in every day? Many high-achieving and successful women crave a more meaningful life, a life with purpose, a life where they don't just work for a company where they’re replaceable at any moment.