stress management

The 5 Stages of Change: How to Know if You're Ready for Lifestyle Changes

The 5 Stages of Change: How to Know if You're Ready for Lifestyle Changes

The Transtheoretical Model of Change (or 5 Stages of Change) is a model in psychology that helps you identify whether or not you're ready for a change in your life. Just wanting something doesn’t necessarily mean somebody is actually ready to take the action necessary for the change to unfold in their life. In this blog post, I'm explaining the five stages of change, hoping that it will help you identify where you’re at with the change you’ve been dreaming about.

Quit Perfectionism in 2022 and Create a Peaceful Life

Quit Perfectionism in 2022 and Create a Peaceful Life

Let's face it: perfectionism is keeping you stuck in so many ways. And it probably has been for years, if not decades. It makes you work extra hours every day, because you just can't finish that project without it being 100% perfect. It makes you spend every free minute taking care of your friend's needs, your parents' desires, and everyone else who may need your help. You feel exhausted and tired, because you can't switch of your mind at night and often don't wakeup well-rested.

How to Eat to Reduce Overwhelm and Stress

How to Eat to Reduce Overwhelm and Stress

Is the majority of your food vibrant? Green? Red? Yellow? Purple? As in spinach, peppers, carrots, strawberries, and pineapple.

Or is it brown, beige, and white...? As in bread, cake, pasta, sandwiches, and processed snacks?

Be mindful of what you put in your body, because it directly impacts your body, your soul, and your emotions. Think about it: what you eat, goes into your stomach, gets digested and becomes your blood, your cells, and other bodily tissue.

Getting Ready to Be a Mom

Getting Ready to Be a Mom

Today is Mother's Day, and I want to talk to you about something that I haven't openly talked about yet in my community: motherhood. While 90% of my close friends are already mothers, I currently couldn't be much further away from motherhood than I am right now.

I thought by age 30, I would be happily married.

The No. 1 Must Know Relaxation Secret for Busy Perfectionists

The No. 1 Must Know Relaxation Secret for Busy Perfectionists

My goal in 2015 was to finally figure out meditation that everybody in the self-help books was talking about (and I’ve read ALL of them!).⁣ I started 21-day challenge after challenge and never made it past day 3. I tried this app and that app, but it just never clicked.⁣ It was almost 2017 when I finally figured it out, and meditation has since been a part of my daily practice.