Why You Need to Heal Your Phone Addiction (and Actually LIVE)


I’m sitting at the beach with my candle, reflecting on the relationship with myself while tears are rolling down my cheeks.⁣

While I see most people glued to their phones all day, whether it’s on the sun bed or at the dinner table, I choose to communicate with myself first and foremost.⁣

I’ve been waking up naturally at 7am (I’m wondering how that’s even possible, because I’m a night owl and noooooot a morning person at all?!) to workout, stretch, and do yoga at the beach. ⁣

Then I’ve meditated every day for about 30 minutes (I don’t time my meditations, I just listen to some music and get out of it when it feels right).⁣

And then, I’ve been actively communicating with myself in my journal. From thoughts to pain to work to gratitude to dreams, it has included everything.⁣

Having a relationship with yourself is the no. 1 key ingredient to a glowing life.⁣

Remember: You are the only person you are going to spend the rest of your life with. It’s truly important that you like you. ⁣

Yes, it’s truly important that you like you

Journaling has been a very important part of my journey to myself and to the life I love and live today, and I can’t see myself go anywhere anymore without a piece of paper and a beautiful pen.⁣

It’s healing.⁣
It’s liberating.⁣
It’s fascinating what comes out when you create the space to speak to and with yourself without judgment.⁣

So here I am, crying while I’m writing out something that came to me in spirit and even though it hurts, I choose to feel. Because either you feel - and then you feel everything from the deepest pain to the deepest love - or you don’t feel at all and you numb yourself with food, Netflix, Instagram, or work.⁣

Trust me. I’ve been there. I know how it feels. It’s not sustainable. It’s not healthy. And it won’t make you happy at all.⁣

If you’re in there, get yourself out of there. I can help you, just contact us. Let’s do this. No more distraction. Just feels.

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3 Tips for High Achieving Perfectionists Who Are Ready to Remove Overwhelm and Work Less


I created a free self-care guide if you’re someone who always puts everyone else - especially work! - first and needs some tips for perfectionists to slow down again! Click the button below to download your self-care guide for free: