Don't Wait for 2023 to Set New Goals


I recently heard someone say "I'm so ready for this year to be over and to start fresh in 2023!". I frowned and asked why. She said how bad this year was for her and how she needed a clean slate. While I can understand that there are seasons that are more challenging than others, a New Year is just a mind game.

Your life is happening right here, right now

Here's the thing though: You can start fresh today. Tomorrow. Right now. We don't need a 2023 on our calendar to give us permission to set new goals, work on ourselves, and close a chapter. Right now is the time to do that.

So whether you've been wanting to work less (e.g. actually being consistent with closing your laptop at 6pm), eat better (you know, less eating at your desk, less coffee etc.), move your body more (like taking a walk after working from home, or going to the weekly yoga class you promised to yourself), or turn a vision you have of helping and inspiring others into reality (didn't you want to become a yoga teacher, write a book, or help others with your gifts?), it doesn't make sense to put that off until January 1, 2023. You can sit down right now, this weekend, this month, to make it a priority.

Mindset Block: Why a New Year doesn't miraculously resolve all issues

Every year, lots of high achievers (maybe like yourself) hope that the New Year will be better. You will finally work less, have more time for your family, and make time for self-care (because you've been following all these influencers who post these inspirational self-care quotes all the time).

The thing with "I will do X in January" is that it subconsciously basically means "Now is not the right time, in the future, it will be better". You are unknowingly telling your brain that you're not ready now, you have to wait a bit longer, until you arrive in the "future".

Now January comes and you said you would do X, but unless you worked on your mindset around your readiness, your subconscious mind is still repeating the same story to you, which is "Now is not the right time, in the future, it will be better".

This is why many people keep repeating the same cycle every year, especially perfectionists, who often have the perfect plan, but subconsciously think "not yet". They think that January will change things for them - however, only they can change things for themselves. Which leads us to a little self-care task for you:

Here are five simple steps you can implement today to get into action with the goals you set in the beginning of the year:

  1. Block 30-60 minutes on your next day off (I recommend not doing this after a 10hr workday, you need a fresh spirit)

  2. Get your goals or vision board out that you made in January (if you didn't make one, move on to step 3)

  3. Pick one thing you would love to do, work on, achieve before the year ends

  4. Make a mini action plan with max. 3 steps

  5. Take the first step now: write it in your calendar, book the first class, call the person you wanted to connect with, etc.

It's not rocket science to work on bettering yourself in this lifetime. It does, however, require commitment, discipline, and courage - and you are worthy of all the dreams that you have on your heart.

Let 2023 be the year where you no longer wait for things to magically fall into place

…but you fully own all aspects of your life. Of course we love a great vision at The Glow Company, and we're planning an amazing full-day workshop on visioning and planning the New Year on January 14, 2023! This workshop will be different to any other vision workshop you may have attended, because we don't just work with the logical mind, we also tap into our emotions, our deepest fears, and work with movement and powerful visualizations to connect with the healthy life you so desire to live.

If you want to be the first one to know once we start selling tickets, enter your details below, and we will add you to the waitlist!


    Here are some additional blogs about goal setting:



    3 Tips for High Achieving Perfectionists Who Are Ready to Remove Overwhelm and Work Less


    I created a free self-care guide if you’re someone who always puts everyone else - especially work! - first and needs some tips for perfectionists to slow down again! Click the button below to download your self-care guide for free: