Seedtime and Harvest: How to Set Goals that Work


The bible says:

"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest [...] will never cease." [Genesis 8:22]

Here's why this is so important: In order to be able to harvest, you have to plant the seed first. If you keep your seed in your thoughts, locked up in a safe space, and never put it into soil, you can wait forever to harvest.

If you want to harvest something this year, now is seedtime.

Time to plant the seed for those visions. The seed for better health, deeper relationships, more purposeful work. The seed for more compassionate conversations, forgiveness, and healing in all areas of your life.

Seedtime and harvest is a simple natural law. You can twist and turn it however you want. Unless you plant the seed, there will be no plant. To get from seedtime to harvest, there are 6 essential steps I use and teach my clients to make sure your beautiful dreams will come true this year:

1 - THE SEED: Your values, your why

We have to first get clear on our personal values. Why do we even want to plant a seed? What is our intention? What need are we trying to fill with this seed / plant / dream? What are our top priorities in life right now?

2 - THE SOWING: Clarity + goals

The next step is to gain clarity. Based on my priorities and values, which areas of life are most important to work on for me this year? What exactly does my goal look like? We use SMART goals to be specific and realistic about the visions we want to bring to life.

3 - THE WORK: Action + prioritizing

Once the goal is clear, it’s time to take action. This means moving forward and making it a priority to work towards what we desire. It’s so easy to let work and everyday life get in the way and put our dreams on the backburner, so your awareness of this is key.

4 - THE CARE: Self-love + belief

Just like plants, we also need to take good care of our dreams, and do the work to trust we’re on the right path. Putting in self-care time, prayer, meditation, and nourishing work to fill yourself up along the journey is an important step to nurture your dreams.

The grass is greener where you water it.

5 - THE WEEDS: Resistance + mindset

As with any garden, it is unavoidable that weeds are going to grow. There will be resistance, mindset blocks, moments of doubt, and maybe even feelings of wanting to give up. Working through those blocks is key to making it to the harvest.

6 - THE HARVEST: Flow + momentum

While this may be the stage where you reached your goals, harvesting doesn’t mean we just lean back and do nothing. Harvesting means we have to do some more work. Things will flow, and we will gain momentum, and we have to keep going.

If you love plants, or have a garden like myself, you will know this: We can't just start with step 3 (taking action) without having done the prep work, or without continuously nurturing ourselves and our dreams as we remove the obstacles that come up along the way. It’s all part of the process.

If you’d like to gain clarity about your visions this year and get ready to take action despite the busy life you’re currently living, click below to learn more about how we can work together:


Making time for you is so possible, even with a full calendar, and an unfinished to-do list!

Use the strategies I've taught my clients on how to find balance in work and life as a high-achieving woman. Click below to get it: