
Being a "Good Girl" is a Gift

Being a "Good Girl" is a Gift

It is not a crime to be a good girl.

In fact, it’s a gift.

You love.

You give.

You care.

You take on.

You keep going.

You believe.

You hope.

You support.

You don’t give up.

You have an open heart, even when you get hurt.

You always choose love.

These are qualities not everyone has, and you should be proud of them.

16 Empowering Reminders to Manifest Your Glow Life

16 Empowering Reminders to Manifest Your Glow Life

Hi beautiful! Here are some beautiful and simple glow life reminders for you to remember that you are beautiful, that your life is in your own hands, and that you are free to create the (glow) life of your dreams!

Your Innate Ability to Create a Magical Life

Your Innate Ability to Create a Magical Life

I have a very special client, Sophie. Sophie is 7, and we meet once a week to work on mindfulness, gratitude, and self-confidence. The other day, as we were playing with my Tibetan singing bowl, she found my purple, glittery magic wand from my childhood. She invented this game where we had to close our eyes and I would say what I wished for in my life. Then she would say "abracadabra simsalabim" and play the singing bowl. Then it was her turn. She always said I had MORE wishes I could make, which, of course, I loved!

How to Get a Promotion at Work

How to Get a Promotion at Work

The results my clients have been getting in the past few months blow my mind! Here are some related to their high-demanding careers: Promotions at work, pay raise at work, invite to join diversity & inclusion team, courage to speak up at work and ask for what they want, express their concerns and opinions at work without fear (and many other life-related things, such as candle-light dinners and date nights with their partner, better sleep, dancing and playing the piano etc.!)